Evangelism and Canvassing Seminar – Luanda, Angola

After an Evangelism and Canvassing Seminar in Luanda, approxiamtely 120 brethren set out to do canvassing in the region.


Luanda, Angola—An Evangelism and Canvassing Seminar took place in the city of Luanda, Angola, from May 10-14. Ministers, Elders, Bible Workers, church leaders, and young people from the region participated. Brother Mario Linares, GC Canvassing Department Director, was present for the event, as well as Brother Henda, GC Regional Secretary for Southern Africa.

During the weekend, the brethren gathered for a conference with the special participation of the choir and praise groups.

On Sunday, the brethren participated in a canvassing activity in the region of Viana. Approximately 120 brethren, mostly young people, participated in the canvassing outing. By the Grace of God, it was a wonderful experience.

“The gospel is to be proclaimed to all the world. The publications containing the light of present truth are to go forth to all places. Canvassing campaigns are to be organized for the sale of our literature, that the world may be enlightened as to what is just before us.” CEv 30.2

