Plymouth Leadership College Graduation – California, USA

On May 22, the Plymouth Leadership College Class of 2021 graduated in a beautiful ceremony at Moriah Heights, California.


Plymouth, USA—This past January, twenty students from across the United States traveled to Plymouth, California to study God’s Word and deepen their relationship with Him at the Plymouth Leadership College.

For four months, they studied Bibliology, the doctrine of Salvation, Evangelism in practice, Health Reform, Hydrotherapy, and many other topics. The classes served to deepen the students’ understanding of their beliefs, and showed them how to put what they had learned into practical use. Each course presented its own set of challenges and thought-provoking discussions, transforming each student into more equipped and able missionaries for the kingdom of God.

On May 22, the Class of 2021 graduated in a beautiful ceremony at Moriah Heights, California.

While students came to Plymouth Leadership College for spiritual education, they left with that and more. 

“After spending four months studying and discussing God’s Word together, we became a family. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I’m so thankful I had each and every student with me as we took this journey together. I know that through these four months I made friends for life and found people I can count on.” — A personal testimony by Joshua Kranenburg. 

PLC 2022 will begin in January 2022. God has called you as one of His disciples to be a missionary. Ellen White writes that “Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.” DA p. 195 The question isn’t whether you are meant to be a missionary; that has already been answered. The question is whether you will equip yourself for the work set before you.

Find out more about PLC by visiting
