Brother Ljuban Vukotic Passes Away in the Lord

Brother Ljuban Vukotic, GC Council 2003-2007, rested in the Lord on May 23, 2022.


Ljuban Vukotic, a compassionate and dedicated Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM) minister, died the morning of May 23, 2022, at the age of 76 years, in the comfort of his home surrounded by family.

Ljuban was born on April 22, 1946, in Drljaca, a town in the former Yugoslavia, to Milos and Ljuba Vukotic. The youngest of three siblings, at the age of 16, he fled Yugoslavia with his father in search of a better life, eventually settling in Australia, where he met his better half, Mary. In 1973, Ljuban and the family immigrated to the United States, initially settling in New York and then relocating to Ohio in 1998.

While he trained as a highly skilled carpenter, he found his true calling in his love for God. Ljuban dedicated his life to serving God by working as a missionary from 1979 to 1989 before being ordained as a minister of the SDARM in 1989. His tireless effort resulted in the construction of seven new churches under his leadership in New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. He led the SDARM Eastern U. S. Field for several terms followed by the East Central U. S. Field, serving as a delegate to the General Conference at various sessions. He was a member of the GC Council from 2003 to 2007.

Ljuban will be remembered for his acts of kindness, generosity, tenacity, and wonderful sense of humor. He was a man of deep convictions and always had the courage to stand by them.

He will be greatly missed by Mary, his loving and devoted wife of 51 years, his children, David, Daniel (Raluca) Vukotic, Maryann (Orlando) Estevez; his grandchildren Rebecca, Elizabeth, Justin; his sister, Lillian Sikora and her family; the family of his deceased brother Mile Vukotic, as well as his extended family and friends.

Funeral services held on Thursday, June 9, 2022 in Worthington, Ohio. 

Memorial contributions in memory of Ljuban may be made to the SDA Reform Movement – ECUSF Church Building Fund.
