September 15, 2019—Itú, Brazil
A new week started with a glorious morning. Sunshine, fresh air, and the delegates rested well. This morning Brother C. Matyas of Austria, presented the morning worship. He spoke on the topic of “True Humility.” As Jesus ascended to heaven finishing His mission on this earth, He left a handful of unlearned lowly disciples to accomplish a task beyond their ability and talent. These men learned of Jesus something that was the key to their success.
“Their character and the simplicity of their teachings were similar to the character and teachings of Christ.” Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 378.
We find here two things combined that made the disciples so successful in their work of evangelizing the entire world in such a short time after their Master commissioned them to go forth.
- A special aspect of their character
- The teachings of the Master
The combination of these two things made them successful in turning the world upside down (actually turning it right side up).
“And what is this special aspect we are talking about?” asked Brother Matyas. “It is true humility,” he continued. When we look at the example of Jesus, He left the glory of heaven and took up our fallen nature and He “humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:8.
Often we are so worried about what people think of us that our reputation becomes the most valuable asset we have. We try to keep it by all means, but Christ was not worried about His reputation. He humbled Himself to even die on the cross. This is true humility indeed!
“The precious grace of humility is sadly wanting in the ministry and the church. Men who preach the truth think too highly of their own abilities. True humility will lead a man to exalt Christ and the truth, and to realize his utter dependence upon the God of truth.” Ibid.
“I trust and hope, brethren, that we will reach this in our walk with God,” emphasized Brother Matyas. “We will be more successful in presenting the Gospel to the world. Then Christ can come and take His people home.”
Brother P. Lausevic addressed the delegation with a short message and spoke about the children of Abraham. What promises were given to Abraham? That he would be a great nation and his name would be great. In him would all the families of the world be blessed. The blessing had a condition: he had to come out of his country, kindred, and Father’s house. Abraham adhered to the worship of the one true God. God was then able to communicate with him His will and gave him a distinct knowledge of the requirements of His law and of the salvation that was to come through Christ.
Abraham was prepared by God in a special way. “Are you ready to be led by God?” asked Brother Lausevic. “To allow God to lead us on paths we are not accustomed to? God has a plan for all of us. We just need to submit to that plan.”
The minutes were read and accepted by all delegates and the business of the day began.
Plans Committee Report
The Plans Committee brought a number of recommendations to the floor, but were tabled for discussion later.
Bylaws Committee Report
The Bylaws Committee brought a number of recommendations to the floor which were also tabled for later discussion. There were several points which were voted on and passed. These points can be made available to the public upon request from the General Conference Secretary at the end of this session.
The Doctrinal Committee presented their partial report.
The Medical Committee Report
The Temporary Medical Committee presented a few recommendations which were tabled for discussion.
The delegation session adjourned for the day. The evening worship was led by Brother Nazareno Altamirano from Colombia with the study entitled, “Harmony with Christ.” He began the study by introducing the importance of the sanctuary message in connection with the Day of Atonement and the requirements of this special feast. One of the requirements of the Day of Atonement was fasting along with the need to afflict the soul and not doing any work (Leviticus 23:29).
In closing, Brother Altamirano made an appeal with the following statement from The Great Controversy, pp. 489, 490: “We are now living in the great day of atonement. In the typical service, while the high priest was making the atonement for Israel, all were required to afflict their souls by repentance of sin and humiliation before the Lord, lest they be cut off from among the people. In like manner, all who would have their names retained in the book of life should now, in the few remaining days of their probation, afflict their souls before God by sorrow for sin and true repentance. There must be deep, faithful searching of heart.”