Spiritual Conferences – Vila União, Brazil

Vila União, a village located in northern state of Maranhão, Brazil, hosted a series of special conferences back in December. It was a special weekend that involved many in the community.


Vila União, Maranhão, Brazil—From December 9-11, 2022, the brethren in a small village of the state of Maranhão, in northern Brazil, gathered for a special series of conferences. The local brethren invited friends, family members, and church brethren from neighboring communities to join them for the meetings entitled “Walking with Jesus”. 

So many accepted the invitation that the meetings were held in front of the church, instead of inside. The church street was closed, benches and chairs moved outside, and a pulpit improvised. The brethren made it a celebration, with generous meals, transportation, and warm fellowship. Many of the guests communicated with the brethren later saying they were glad they had participated. 

Brother Eli Tenorio and Brother Isaías Reis were the pastors present. They spoke at the conference during the weekend. On Sunday, six souls were baptized. 

We praise the Lord for each soul that was present during this conference. May God continue guiding them as they seek to walk with Him.
