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Spiritual Conferences – Angola

GC President visits Angola for a series of evangelistic conferences, workers’ seminar, Ministerial Committee, and visits.


Luanda and Malanje, Angola—June was a busy month for the brethren in Angola. Brother Eli Tenorio, GC President, visited Luanda during the first week of June for a series of evangelistic conferences, workers’ seminar, Ministerial Committee, and visits to local churches, school, headquarters site, and printing house. 

The brethren in Luanda also organized interviews with national TV broadcaster, TPA (Televisão Pública de Angola), to promote the weekend public conferences. In the interview, Brother Eli Tenorio and Brother José Nguepe spoke about the role of the church in society.

On the second week of June, Brother Eli Tenorio visited Malanje, in the north of the country, for the reorganization of two Fields (Northeastern and Eastern Fields). During the weekend, a series of evangelistic conferences were held, as well as the ordination of two ministers, an elder, and the dedication of twelve children to the Lord.

It is a joy to see the work progress in Angola, as well as the fervor with which the brethren labor to spread the gospel. 

May God continue blessing that region for His honor and glory.

