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Davi P. Silva
December 12, 2017
A message to you from President Davi P. Silva as the new year approaches.

Dear brethren of the Reform Movement around the World,


May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you as we approach the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018!


Larissa Tenorio Gessner
December 11, 2017
The first article in a series studying lessons from the life of Jesus. The first lesson gleaned from the story of His birth: humility.

Perhaps one of the most evident lessons gleaned from the life of Christ is the lesson of humility. It is interwoven into His story here on Earth from its very beginning in Bethlehem to its very end at Golgotha.


The humble circumstances of Christ’s birth clashed with the proud expectation of pomp and glamour that was held by the Israelite nation.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
December 7, 2017
What is asthma? What are its conventional treatments? Are there any natural treatments?

Asthma affects 334 million people globally with the highest number of patients living in developed countries. Although only 10% of these are classified as severe asthmatics, asthma still imposes an unacceptable burden on health care systems, on society through loss of productivity and, especially for pediatric asthma, on the family.


Marcos Pedrazas
November 29, 2017
Taking into consideration the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, this year's music program was themed "Music and the Protestant Reformation." 

On November 10-12, 2017, a special music program was held in Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement churches around the world. Taking into consideration the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, this year's music program was themed "Music and the Protestant Reformation." 


Readings, videos, a magazine, and other content and resources were prepared by the General Conference Music Committee to be distributed to churches worldwide. (You can access this material by visiting


Davi P. Silva
November 27, 2017
A circular by the President of the General Conference in response to a grave problem facing our churches today: the lack of reverence.

“Ye shall keep My Sabbaths, and reverence My sanctuary: I am the Lord,” Leviticus 26:2.


Here we find a very important commandment. The Sabbath on the seventh day and the sanctuary are two essential elements in our worship. And both belong to the Lord. They are holy and do not belong to us.

