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Rômulo Borges
February 28, 2016
This past January 19-23 the 22nd National Conference was held in the Peruvian Union.

This past January 19-23 the 22nd National Conference was held in the Peruvian Union. The conference was held in Cañete, Peru. The theme of the meetings was "Come, Lord Jesus!" Pastors and Bible workers from all over the Peruvian Union were present, as well as the following General Conference representatives: Brothers Rômulo Borges, Ionita Raduco, and Mario Alvarado. During the week, the brethren discussed several prophetic and eschatological themes. 


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
February 25, 2016
Exercise: your heart's favorite friend.

Lifelong physical activity is crucial to preventing many modern epidemics such as heart disease, obesity, and hypertension, but that doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to running marathons. Sensible exercise should consist of a combination of stretching, aerobic exercise, and strength training.


Benjamin Thiel & John Lausevic
February 25, 2016
On Sabbath, February 20, Cyclone Winston hit the northern side of the Fiji Islands.

On Sabbath, February 20, Cyclone Winston hit the northern side of the Fiji Islands. Cyclone Winston was one of the largest cyclones ever recorded in the South Pacific. The islands have sustained extremely damaging winds and flooding, which have caused extensive damage to housing, crops, infrastructure as well as injury and loss of life. We would like to ask you all to keep the Fijian people in your prayers.

Etienne Lombard
February 21, 2016
On February 12-15, 2016 the families from the Eastern Canadian Field participated of a youth retreat in the Algonquin Highlands, Ontario.

Considering a very mild winter in the months of December and January, some wondered whether this year's Winter Youth Retreat at Shalom by the Lake in the Algonquin Highlands, Ontario would merit being called a "winter" retreat. The temperatures we got for the Family Day long weekend, February 12-15, 2016, was more than we could have asked for. The Arctic air mass that moved into Northern and Southern Ontario brought down fresh snow, and made the temperature dip to nearly record lows. Saturday morning the temperature went down to -32°C and Sunday morning to -39°C!


John Bosco
February 21, 2016
It's time to arise and build in Ghana!

On February 4th, 2016 Brother John Bosco, Regional Secretary for the Northern African region, visited our group in Ghana. The meetings held were on the following topics:

  • The Signs of Jesus' Coming
  • Tithes and Offerings in the Bible
  • Jesus our Helper 


Our brethren in Ghana are currently facing a problem regarding their church structure. It has become too small, as our group has grown. At this point, the brethren have had to leave their children at home as there isn't enough room for everyone.

