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Marcos Valério
November 16, 2015
On November 1, 2015 the French Field held a baptism of 2 souls.

Also pictured are some of the youth who witnessed the baptism of their friends, and the local pastor, Brother Marcos Valerio. 

Larissa Tenorio
November 13, 2015
We have received confirmation from Brother Marcos Valério, who states that so far all of our brethren whom he has contacted were asleep in their homes during the attack. He has recommended to our brethren there not to go out today, especially those who depend on public transportation.

On Friday, November 13, Paris was once more under attack. News sources have confirmed that over 100 individuals were confirmed dead, and dozens were injured. At the time of this posting, we are awaiting news from our pastor in the area—Bro. Marcos Valério.


So far we have only received updates from a few of our members in the area stating they are well. We thank God for His Sabbath day, and that many of our brethren were safely at home. We will update this post as more information arrives.
November 8, 2015
On Sunday, October 25, 2015, the church in Trieste organized a health event in Monfalcone at the Hotel Europalace.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015, the church in Trieste organized a health event in Monfalcone at the Hotel Europalace—a familiar place to many people who have regularly attended our meetings.


The theme of the conference held by Pastor and Nutritionist Abel Morales was Epigenetics, more specifically how our way of life, nutrition, the environment, and even our emotions can affect—and even override—our genetic traits.


Aroldo Gessner
November 8, 2015
We can't always control what happens around us, but we can choose what to think about.


“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).


Alex Gurduiala
November 8, 2015
United States
The "Strength in Scripture" short studies walk you through the Bible and provide a greater understanding of God’s truth as revealed in major biblical themes.

Recently, the youth at the SDARM church in Temple Hills, Maryland—USA, have begun an online project. The project's main objective is to lead others, especially other young people, toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


The "Strength in Scripture" short studies are composed of brief videos on relevant biblical topics. The videos are designed to walk the viewer through the Bible and give the individual a greater understanding of how to know God through Scripture.

