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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
July 31, 2016
Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder that affects millions of people around the world. The symptoms can be quite debilitating and uncomfortable, and we hope that by learning about it and its main causes over the next few weeks, we can understand more about how to prevent and treat this disease.

What causes arthritis and how can it be prevented and/or treated?


Vinícius Gessner
July 4, 2016
On the first weekend of July 2016, the brethren in the city of Presidente Prudente in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil held a three-day conference on the theme of God's Love.

On the first weekend of July 2016, the brethren in the city of Presidente Prudente in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil held a three-day conference on the theme of God's Love. Brother Eli Tenorio—the GC Secretary—was present and delivered the messages "In the Arms of the Father", "The Ultimate Giver", and "Returning Home" beginning on Friday and ending on Sunday evening. The church was filled with brethren and visitors from the local region, as well as from other parts of the country.

Etienne Lombard
July 4, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016, was a high day for the church in Puslinch, Ontario, and the East Canadian Field Conference as the Koert family sealed their covenant with the Lord through baptism.

Sunday, June 26, 2016, was a high day for the church in Puslinch, Ontario, and the East Canadian Field Conference as we had the opportunity to witness the Koert family—Brother Arend, Sister Yvonne, Martin, and Ashley—sealing their covenant with the Lord through baptism. On this day our church was rejoicing and there was great joy in heaven as these dear souls entered into the family of God.


At 9 a.m. on Sunday morning we met at the Puslinch Church and proceeded to Emerald Lake—a place in nature surrounded by lovely evergreens.


Alex Gurduiala
July 4, 2016
United States
Bethany, West Virginia has been the home of our field-wide annual camp meetings for many years. This year, the camp meeting was held from June 17-19, 2016.

Bethany, West Virginia has been the home of our field-wide annual camp meetings for many years. This year, the camp meeting was held from June 17-19, 2016. The theme was “Walk in Love,” the divine principle around which all family relationships are centered. In attendance were approximately 110 brethren and friends  from Kentucky, Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Indiana, Michigan, New York, and Canada.


Abel Morales
June 26, 2016
On June 19, 2016 the church in Turin, Italy was blessed with the baptism of two new souls with inspiring testimonials.

The church in Turin, Italy was blessed with the baptism of Sister Vasthi Vasquez and Brother Dario Lauri on June 19, 2016. At this joyous occasion, these two new members expressed the following testimonials:

