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Dorival Dumitru
January 24, 2016
"God’s people are exposed to the unsleeping hatred of the prince of darkness, but God assures them that the angels never stop guarding them."—The Great Hope, p. 7.

"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them" (Psalm 34:7).


I was tired. It was the end of a long day of activity as leader of the youth department in São Paulo, Brazil. At the time I lived in the Lapa district and worked in Vila Matilde, which is around 22km away. This meant my commute included two trains and a 15-minute walk between stations each way. Nowadays this trip takes  about an hour and a half each way, but today's modern metro system was a future project back in those days, when trips took much longer.


Ophelia Gherman
January 21, 2016
Tips on true clean eating from Ophelia Gherman, M.D.

Being an intelligent vegetarian means so much more than eliminating animal products from your diet. Last week we discussed harmful ingredients that can sneak into a vegetarian diet. Here are a few more tips on being an intelligent vegetarian.


1.       Set a regular eating schedule 

2.      Be aware of true vs. false hunger cues

3.      Be aware of your body’s first cues of fullness and react appropriately 

4.      Eat rationally based on your nutritional needs and recommended caloric intake

Horia Ioniță
January 19, 2016
On December 24–28, 2015, approximately 500 church members and visitors attended a youth camp meeting at the church's retreat property in Porumbacu, Sibiu.

“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek" (Psalm 27:8).


Ophelia Gherman
January 14, 2016
Tips on true clean eating from Ophelia Gherman, M.D.

“Clean eating" has become a popular term in our culture. However, the term often encompasses several processed and packaged foods, including different types of meat substitutes or cleansing drinks. True clean eating embraces organic, wholesome foods in an attempt to eliminate one’s exposure to artificial chemicals, colors, and preservatives. It involves consuming antioxidants that will aid our bodies, as well as other foods that will actually supply what the body needs to run smoothly.


John Bosco
January 13, 2016
On November of 2015 and January of 2016, Administration and Health Seminars were held for the Ethiopia Union and the East Africa Union respectively.

In November 2015, an Administration Seminar was held for the Ethiopia Union Mission with the presence of the Regional Secretary, Brother John Bosco. 


In January 2016, an Administration and Health Seminar was held in the East Africa Union Mission. The East Africa Union Mission is composed of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The members of all the Missions' Executive Committees also participated in the Union Mission Council. 

Below are a couple of photos submitted by Brother Bosco from the seminars.

