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November 13, 2016
The Maranatha Building Project in Australia outlines the progress of the new church being built in Victoria. The brethren write: "We dream about a second SDARM church building in Victoria, Australia. Recently, the Lord has opened up a way for us to move forward in this desire."

AUSTRALIA—Every time a new church is built we rejoice. It is with much joy that we follow the Maranatha Building Project in Australia, which outlines the progress of the new church being built in Kalkallo, Victoria. 


November 8, 2016
When Jesus was here on Earth, He met both physical and spiritual needs of the people He met. Following His example, our brethren in Ukraine continue their work of feeding the hungry and helping those in need.

UKRAINE—When Jesus was here on Earth, He met both physical and spiritual needs of the people He met. Following His example, our brethren in Ukraine continue their work of feeding the hungry and helping those in need in their local communities. 


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
November 3, 2016
Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” What does this really mean?

Last week, we discussed signs that may indicate depression and anxiety in teens. We learned that negative thoughts and a pattern of negative reactions can transform into a state where negative feelings and hopelessness dominate the mind.


Marcelo Ponce
November 2, 2016
Brother Marcelo Ponce shares updates and news about the work being done in Germany. In his words, "I share our joy with our brothers around the world."

On October 8, 2016, we gathered near Frankfurt for the baptism of two new souls who joined God's people. It was a day blessed with many visitors. Normally, our church in Flörsheim meets every Sabbath with an average of 35 individuals present. On October 8, we had almost 100 visitors from other cities in Germany, as well as brethren who came from Denmark, Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, and Chile. We had also programmed a Young People's Meeting, during which seven young people made public their desire to prepare for baptism.


Daniel Campodonico
November 2, 2016
From October 14-16, 2016, a conference and the Graduation Ceremony for the students of the Lighthouse Missionary Bible School [Scuola Biblica Missionaria IL FARO] was held.

“Ye are the light of the world” Matthew 5:14


From October 14-16, 2016, a conference and the Graduation Ceremony for the students of the Lighthouse Missionary Bible School [Scuola Biblica Missionaria IL FARO] was held. The missionary school is the SDARM Italian Field's educational institution, which was begun in 2013. The first course organized by the school— Fundamentals of Biblical Truths— ended last January 2016, and this fall the graduation conference was held—the first of its kind in Italy.

