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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
May 11, 2016
Glowing health--even of our hair--radiates from the inside out!

We all desire healthy hair. And while the beauty industry promises amazing results with special expensive products, in order to get the desired body, bounce and shine for your hair there are nutrients that can be more effective and will have far more positive results on your body as well.


Vitamins for healthy hair


Lidia Voncina and Rosetta Ilic
May 10, 2016
Once a week, for three consecutive weeks in May and October of each year, our brethren in Sydney, Australia hold cooking demonstrations in order to bring the health message to their local community.

The brethren in Sydney, Australia have been holding cooking demonstrations in the Schofields Church for a number of years now, and with the effort put into these programs the Lord's light shines in the local Sydney community.


Various members help with the distribution of flyers throughout local neighbourhoods, as well as advertise with banners in front of the church. Phone and e-mail contacts that have been collected in previous registrations are used to contact individuals who would like to attend again.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
May 4, 2016
Because the adrenal glands have such a far-reaching impact on the body, adrenal fatigue can greatly impact life quality! Here are some ways to prevent and treat adrenal fatigue with natural treatments.

Adrenal fatigue results from chronic imbalances of stress that deplete the reserves of the adrenal glands. This disorder affects approximately 80% of the United States population! Common symptoms are inexplicable tiredness, difficulty waking up in the morning, feeling rundown or overwhelmed, having difficulty bouncing back from stress or illness, and feeling more energetic in the evenings.


Last week, we covered these symptoms and conventional laboratory tests to find the cause of the fatigue. However, below are a few natural remedies that may help.


Segundo Guzman
May 2, 2016
On January 9, 2016, four brethren were ordained in Colombia.

On January 5-10, 2016, the Colombian Union held its annual conference in Barbosa, Santander del Sur, Colombia. During the conference, approximately 1,500 individuals attended the meetings. Prophecies of the old and new testament were the main topics studied during the conference this year.


Rolly Dumaguit
May 1, 2016
Brother Rolly Dumaguit, the Regional Secretary for the Pacific Region, reports on the work being done in the Pacific Rim countries.

The work in the Pacific Region has been busy over the last few months. Below, Brother Rolly Dumaguit, the General Conference Regional Secretary for the region, has shared updates and photos from recent Camp Meetings and other events in the area, as well as photos of our church family in the various countries of the Pacific Region. 


Photo 1: Our brethren in New Caledonia in the South Pacific.

