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D. Campodonico
March 27, 2016
A brief overview and summary of the latest events at the Lighthouse Missionary Bible School in Italy, as well as future events.

From December 23, 2015 to January 6, 2016, the Lighthouse Missionary Bible School (the educational institution of the SDARM Italian Field) completed its latest seminar course on Fundamental Bible Truths. Enrolled were 13 students from France, Italy, and Portugal. They had the opportunity to study The History of Seventh-day Adventism up to 1924 and The History of the Reform Movement with Br. Daniel Campodonico, and the books of Daniel and Revelation with Br. George Schiopu, and music with Sr. Bianca Schiopu.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
March 27, 2016
There are so many things in this world that can bring fear and sadness. Understanding what fear is and how it works can lead to a better understanding of how we can control it!

There are so many things in this world that can bring fear and sadness. Fear of the dark is a common childhood fear. Among the youth, fear of loneliness or rejection is common. In adulthood, there are fears of failure, worry about economic security, and tension brought on by political wars. Fears can be rational or they can be childish, brought on by our own perceptions and expectations. Interestingly, most fear is learned.


So how can we be freed of fear, anxiety, and sadness? How can we unlearn this character trait?


Davi P. Silva
March 23, 2016
Judas, one of the most educated of Christ’s apostles, became notoriously known in world history. Because of his fatal role in the betrayal of Jesus—selling Him for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave—the false apostle is universally despised by a great number of Christians. We must beware lest we give way to a similar downward spiral.

Judas, one of the most educated of Christ’s apostles, became notoriously known in world history. Because of his fatal role in the betrayal of Jesus—selling Him for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave—the false apostle is universally despised by a great number of Christians.


Keven Whang
March 21, 2016
United States
On January 15-17, the church in Los Angeles, California held a spiritual conference and recorded the Hallelujah Chorus.

On January 15-17th, our church in Los Angeles, California held spiritual meetings as well as evenings of sacred songs. The event was held by the Western U.S. Union, and most individuals present were from Los Angeles and Sacramento. However, many also participated who came from Georgia, Tennessee, and even Canada.


The theme of the conference was United for Christ, and the speaker was Brother Adrian Finaru. Approximately 200 people were in attendance, including the 29 in the orchestra and the 54 individuals in the choir.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
March 21, 2016
Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic that affects over 50% of Americans. Here are some reasons why Vitamin D is so important, how to know if you are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, and ways to avoid it.

The Importance of Vitamin D
