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Pam Stemmler
February 5, 2017
We live in a world of sorrow and suffering. People all around us are dealing with pain in their lives and yet the majority of us are not actively seeking to be the healing touch in the hearts of our family, friends, and neighbors. Let's talk about how we can.

We live in a world of sorrow and suffering. People all around us are dealing with pain in their lives and God wants to use us to be the healing touch in the hearts of our family, friends, and neighbors. 


If 90% of all sickness begins because of hurts and distresses within the heart of man, and if medical missionary work will be the final work and means of helping people, then we cannot be solely focused on food and herbs?


Jaene Tenorio, Nutritionist
January 26, 2017
After the six first months of receiving its nourishment exclusively from its mother, it becomes necessary to introduce solid food into the baby's diet to complement the mother's milk. So, what should you feed a baby?

After the six first months of receiving its nourishment exclusively from its mother, the milk is no longer sufficient to supply all the needs of the child, and it becomes necessary to introduce solid food into the baby's diet to complement the mother's milk.


So, what should you feed a baby?


January 24, 2017
The "Redeemed Families" spiritual conference brought together brethren from all over Colombia to worship together.

BARBOSA, COLOMBIA—On January 10, 2017, the highly anticipated national conference in Colombia began. The theme of the conference was "Redeemed Families" and had the participation of Brother Radu Ionita (GC Youth Department Director), Brother Segundo Guzman (GC Regional Secretary for Central America), and Brother Mario Alvarado (Assistant GC Regional Secretary for South America). 


Conectados Com Deus
January 24, 2017
Dealing with problems and crises is more common than most people realize–especially in the family environment. That is precisely why we must learn to properly and effectively deal with these situations. See today's post how to resolve family conflicts and pacify the family environment!

Dealing with problems and crises is more common than most people realize–especially in the family environment. After all, while strangers are often on their best behavior in front of company, family is where we let our guard down and reveal our faults. Furthermore, we feel more at liberty to criticize a family member than a stranger. These two factors together can create an environment conducive to contention.


Rodney M. Silva
January 24, 2017
Marriage: do you invest in it or give up?

The Postmodern Family Scenario

Many are those who consider the family institution discredited and bankrupted. From an early age, our young people are induced by the media to think that marriage does not have to last a lifetime.

