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A. Balbach
October 28, 2015
‘’Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?’’ Matthew 16:9

Those who have taken part in a campaign to collect funds for important church projects often meet with sad disappointments and happy surprises. And sometimes, when children are involved, the seriousness of their approach to the whole matter may be so amusing that you cannot help laughing. And some stories that come from such occasions cannot easily be forgotten.

Vinícius Gessner
October 22, 2015
On Wednesday, October 14, 2015 the reorganization session for the South Brazilian Union began.

On October 14, 2015, the 37th Reorganization Session of the South Brazilian Union began, and extended until noon on Friday, October 16, 2015.  The theme of the session and the Spiritual Conferences that followed that weekend was "United for One Mission" based on Mark 16:15, which talks about preaching the gospel to all creatures. It was on this same topic that the General Conference President, Brother Davi P. Silva, spoke to approximately 700 people on Sabbath morning.
October 18, 2015
“Unlocking Bible Prophecy”—WA Spiritual Camp and Prophecy Seminar, September 25–29, 2015


Marcelo Ponce Sánchez
October 11, 2015

 On Saturday, October 3, 2015 a baptism was conducted in Denmark. Sister Rebecca Majnolovic was baptized. It was a very blessed day, with full of good spirit and joy. We have already begun a plan to prepare the next candidate. There were two young people who attended our church for the first time and were impressed by the solemnity of the service. God be honored!

Vicki Gillham
October 7, 2015
United States
A candid, unedited letter sent by a visitor: "This seems to be a worldwide body of people unified in purpose. . . . In their services they always have a handshake line coming out of the sanctuary—if there are 20 people who came that day you will shake nearly 20 hands—if there are 100 people there you will shake nearly 100 hands . . . .

Testimony originally sent to our Facebook Page.
