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November 17, 2016
The benefits and recipes for beet juice.

Full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, these red roots are powerful forces in combatting high blood pressure, premature aging, cancer, high blood sugar, inflammation, and provide an energy boost, better digestion, and much more. 


Juicing beets is easy with a juicer or blender. Here are a few ways to enjoy beets. 



1 large beet peeled and quartered

2 celery stalks with tops off and cut in half

5 carrots washed and quartered



November 17, 2016
Green juices galore! Juice those veggies for concentrated nutrients and vitamins.

Kale, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, lettuce—leafy greens are known for their high amounts of vitamins, minerals (including calcium!), and fibers. They have many benefits in the way they help boost the immune system, ward off depression, help digestion, improve skin health, strengthen the bones, protect the heart, improve vision, lower cholesterol—just to name a few things! 


With numerous veggies come numerous juice options! 


Here is a list of veggies that can be used in juices:

- kale

- collard greens

- spinach

- lettuce

Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
November 16, 2016
Do you wish you had more energy? Do the day-to-day tasks on your to-do list wear you out? Try this.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder that has several symptoms including debilitating fatigue, difficulty sleeping, memory and motor function decline. Despite having so many symptoms, conventional medicine has not found any laboratory tests or x-rays to diagnose chronic fatigue. Recently, research has attributed CFS to a triad of problems: auto-inflammation, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and ATP (cellular energy) deficiency. Unfortunately, there has been very little advancement with regards to treatment and curing the illness.


November 16, 2016
Recipes and health benefits of carrot juice.

Carrots are superb vegetables that provide numerous minerals and vitamins to the body. Through these vitamins and minerals, carrots help maintain and improve our health. Just a few ways carrots benefit the body include strengthening eyesight, the immune system, heart, blood, mouth, brain, and they help protect the body against cancer.


You can enjoy juiced carrots in many ways and combinations. The simplest is to juice carrots on their own.



5-7 large carrots

splash of water (optional)


Segundo Guzmán
November 16, 2016
"Educate every one who is drawing from Christ the streams of salvation. It is not necessary that the Word of God should be disseminated only by a few ordained ministers. The truth must be sown beside all waters."—Sowing Beside All Waters, 37 (Ph 78). 

HONDURASOn October 11, 2016, Brother Guzman was visiting the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement's missionary schoolEben-ezer Missionary Schoolin Siguatepeque, Honduras. While there, he was able to participate in instructing the students and offer encouragement in their work of preparation for working in the Lord's vineyard. May God continue blessing the work of the teachers and students at Eben-ezer, and may He prosper the efforts of these future workers and their families.

