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Brother Romelo Z. Novenario
February 11, 2020
The 6th Visayan Field Delegation Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement was held in Bacolod City from January 7-8, 2020.

Bacolod City, the Philippines—On January 7, 2020, the 6th Visayan Field Delegation Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement was held in Bacolod City from January 7-8, 2020.


A total of fifty-two accredited delegates and seventeen delegates at-large were present to represent the Visayan Field. Once the reports were read and accepted, outgoing officers lay down their respective offices. Over the two days, the new administration and delegates were elected with much prayer and deliberation. 


February 10, 2020

Роанок, 13 марта 2020 года


Дорогая семья Адвентистов Седьмого Дня Реформационного Движения во всем мире,


да пребудет мир Господа нашего Иисуса Христа с каждым из вас. ⠀

Мы все следим за развитием пандемии Коронавируса в последние несколько дней, и как церковь мы хотим способствовать доброму здоровью всех наших членов и тех, с кем мы общаемся. ⠀


Romelo Novenario
February 3, 2020
A baptism of three souls was held at Bacolod City Church in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, the Philippines on January 24, 2020.

 Bacolod City, Philippines—Brother Noel Mauring Sr., Brother Carlos Estrera Jr., and Sister First Star Angel Sindac were the three precious souls who professed Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and accepted the holy baptism at Bacolod City Church in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, the Philippines on January 24, 2020. The candidates had previously completed the series of Bible studies in preparation for their baptism, and it was with great joy that the brethren of Bacolod City welcomed the new members.


February 2, 2020

ロアノーク 2020年3月13日










Malo. Tufuga
February 2, 2020

Roanoke Mati 13, 2020


Mo le au-uso pele ma aiga lotu uma o le ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai  Toefuataina i le lalolagi atoa,

Ia i ai pea le filemu o lo tatou Alii o Iesu Keriso mo outou uma ta'itoatasi.

