Week of Prayer 2024 – A Message for the Last Days


So much information is out there! Much of it is inaccurate; some of it true. Yet, even within the scope of that which is true, what really warrants our most determined attention? What should we be thinking about? Our Creator has a distinct message for us to know and share in these last days—and this annual Week of Prayer provides a perfect opportunity for us to focus on this together. The Lord has been so good to us over the past year. We are still alive with the precious opportunity to be participating in this event.

“Precious gems of truth lie beneath the surface, and every hour’s search will be fully repaid. Store the mind with the principles of the gospel of Christ; seek with painstaking effort for the hidden wealth of God’s word. All heaven is watching to see what man will do with the precepts and promises of Jehovah.” (The Review and Herald, December 3, 1889.)

“There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is ‘present truth’ that the flock needs now.” (Early Writings, p. 63.)

As we go through these readings on the theme, A Message for the Last Days, with the aim of truly understanding and living this message, our faith will be richly rewarded. Let us share the great blessing of these readings also with others who may be isolated or home bound, and remember the following dates:

Prayer with fasting: Sabbath, December 14 Offering for missions: Sunday, December 15

May the Lord graciously respond to the heartfelt longing of all who are earnestly seeking to live this message and receive His Holy Spirit in latter rain power during this Week of Prayer!

Order your magazine via your local church or access it in PDF here.

Translations are available here

06 December 2024
