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November 2024 - General Conference Literature Department

First Sabbath Offering
Goal Amount: 
January 8, 2025


There is a famous saying, “A drop of ink may make a million think.” Printed material tends to carry more weight than merely spoken words largely due its permanence. With written material, we can take time to read at our own pace, as well as refer back and consider more deeply the information we seek to learn. It helps when trying to absorb deep spiritual topics.


This has been true throughout history: “Luther’s pen was a power, and his writings, scattered broadcast, stirred the world. The same agencies are at our command, with facilities multiplied a hundredfold. Bibles, publications in many languages, setting forth the truth for this time, are at our hand, and can be swiftly carried to all the world.”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 403.


“In a large degree through our publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with his glory.”—Ibid., vol. 7, p. 140.


In 1849, James White made a small publication called The Present Truth. “The little pile of papers was laid upon the floor. Then the brethren and sisters gathered about them and with tears in their eyes pleaded with God to bless the little sheet as it should be sent out. Then the papers were folded, wrapped and addressed, and James White carried them eight miles to the Middletown post office.”—Early Writings, p. xxv.


This action was in response to the message: “ ‘You must begin to print a little paper and send it out to the people. Let it be small at first; but as the people read, they will send you means with which to print, and it will be a success from the first.’ ”—Ibid., p. xxiv.


What happens when shipping costs soar and border restrictions necessitate even more expensive forms of distribution? Our subscription price does not cover these new expenses. Therefore, we must depend on the kind generosity of fellow believers to fulfill the prophecy told to that early publisher: “As the people read, they will send you means.”


We pray this First Sabbath Offering for the GC Literature Department will touch your heart to give extra for souls around the world who need to read the present truth. Thank you!


Your brethren in the General Conference Literature Department