There is no question that wars, rumors of wars, horrific accidents, droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and pestilences are increasing around the world with breakneck speed—all in fulfillment of the Bible prophecies we study. Surely, in all these tragedies, we can clearly discern the footsteps of an approaching God. Many thousands suffer immensely from these extreme difficulties, calling for various types of assistance from the ambassadors of Jesus Christ to apply the healing balm of Gilead.
In these painful predicaments, the GC Welfare Department has shared the blessings provided from our fund through the offerings sent by you, our brethren around the world. These are sent in a personal and specific way to meet the needs, as well as through First Sabbath Offerings. Dear brethren, your offerings have served as shelter for those who have lost their homes in natural tragedies; they have provided food for hundreds of families and care for the orphan and widow, extending sustenance and help to them. These offerings have also aided parents in obtaining seeds to plant and feed their families or begin a small enterprise so that countless persons of our faith can have a source of income and work that would be otherwise impossible for them.
Thank God that in these times of trial, many have been touched to place their donations on the altar of the Lord. On behalf of those who are served, we deeply thank you!
However, the needs do not cease—on the contrary, they are increasing more every day, so your generosity helps immensely.
“The cross of Christ appeals to the benevolence of every follower of the blessed Saviour. The principle there illustrated is to give, give. This, carried out in actual benevolence and good works, is the true fruit of the Christian life.”-—Counsels on Stewardship, p. 14.
Today, as you present your special offering for the first Sabbath, please do your utmost to honor God. Whether with little or much, all can do their very best. From the sum of this shared love, we will continue to distribute blessings to our brethren throughout the world. “He who gives to the needy blesses others, and is blessed himself in a still greater degree” (Ibid., p. 13). May God bless you greatly!
General Conference Welfare Department