Plymouth Leadership College is dedicated to preparing disciples who will go into the world and share their personal experience in the everlasting gospel. With this in mind, PLC will be holding another Accelerated Evangelism Program at our campus in rural northern California. Those who attend will come apart from their regular lives to dedicate themselves to a deep study of the Word. Over four months, with a variety of instructors, these students will learn of the Word and how to share it with others. Then, with the support of the eight local churches in the area, they will have an opportunity to start putting their new skills in sharing the Word to use while in the program. When concluded, students will be able to return to their communities, workplaces, families, churches, and schools, better equipped to give an answer for their faith. They will not only share their testimony, but also be empowered to prepare new disciples themselves.
If you want to be better equipped as a disciple of Christ, to be able to share the good news of salvation, then this course is for you. As a discipleship program you will gain a deep knowledge of the truth found in the Word as well as skills in public speaking, personal witnessing, giving Bible studies, and using modern technology to share the gospel. PLC is dedicated to preparing disciples such as you, so that you will go out and finish the great Gospel Commission given to us by the Master Teacher.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!”—Ellen G. White, Education, p. 271
For more information, including registration: visit the PLC website.