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Liliane Balbach
September 20, 2016
Did you hear about this summer’s Health Evangelism Seminar in Serbia? Here is the personal experience of Sister Liliane Balbach, one of the speakers and project fascilitators.

Novi Sad, Serbia

June 19-July 15, 2016


I felt privileged and excited to be part of the Health Evangelism team in Novi Sad, Serbia this summer! Serbia is the country of my birth, and I couldn’t wait to see what wonderful things God would do for us. On the first night, I walked into the sanctuary and sat down. People were coming in and quickly filling all the seats.


I asked a visitor next to me, “Is this the first time you have come to this program?” 

Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
September 15, 2016
We've all heard of the word “germ”. But what is a germ? Actually, "germ" is a generic term that refers to micro-organisms that cause diseases. Some examples are viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. So...what's a virus? Let's find out.

We have all heard of the word “germ”. But what is a germ? Actually, "germ" is a generic term that refers to micro-organisms that cause diseases. Some examples are viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. 


Viruses are the culprits behind the common cold, influenza, and many ears, nose, and throat infections. In fact, there are approximately 200 viruses that cause influenza (flu) and influenza-like illnesses (ILI). 


GC Music Comittee
September 12, 2016
This study guide is to be used during the afternoon study portion of October 1st's Sabbath program.

This study should be conducted on Sabbath afternoon with the entire church assembled. The seats can be accommodated in order to facilitate discussion.


It should be clear from the beginning that the activity is a directed, interactive study and NOT A DEBATE, since there are some controversial issues to be discussed.


For best results, we suggest the following:

Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
September 8, 2016
Continuing our theme of prevention and awareness as a worthwhile cure, we end this series on cancer awareness talking about three cancers that can affect women everywhere.

As we have stressed in other articles, being diligent in our lifestyle is key to health. However, how can we keep diseases at bay if we aren't aware of them? Below we lay out three forms of cancer that affect women all over the world every year. We talk about what they are, certain symptoms, as well as detection options for each. 


Uterine Cancer


Cornelius Barbu
September 7, 2016
Did you get to attend this summer's music camp? Read about how it went, what happened, and to see the pictures.

We are thankful to the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to be useful in His work, this time by means of music. The Music Department and the Youth Department of the SDARM in Romania, in cooperation with the Music Committee and the Youth Department of the GC, held our first musical summer school on August 15th-21st, 2016, in Porumbacu, Romania. The event title was “Echoes from Paradise”, and its key text was “And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord” Psalms 40:3.

