What a meaningful experience it has been for delegates to gather to pray for God’s guidance. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, it is the perfect spot to talk to God in prayer.
This morning’s worship was led by Brother Franck Vitorassi, who presented the topic “United to Serve.” He reflected on how the early church received the Holy Spirit when they became united and posed the question: What is necessary today for the church to receive the Holy Spirit? He concluded by reminding the delegates that while we may profess Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our actions ultimately confirm or deny that declaration.
At 8:30 a.m., the Chairman of the Session, Brother David Zic, opened the session, turning the delegates’ attention to the issues up for discussion. With some doctrinal points on the agenda, he emphasized the Biblical principle of unity and the importance of studying Scripture prayerfully. He stressed that while discussions are essential, they should lead to edification rather than division. He closed by commending the example of a church in Scripture that was praised for diligently searching and studying the Bible for themselves—the Bereans.
The session then proceeded with a discussion of various doctrinal points. Delegates engaged in a thoughtful and Bible-based conversation, navigating sensitive topics with a spirit of humility and mutual respect.
Following lunch, the delegates divided into committees and sub-committees to continue their work. At 4:30 p.m., the session reconvened to hear partial reports from the Nominating Committee. The following brethren were selected for the respective roles.
Department Leadership Updates:
- Publishing – Rudolfo Gessner
- Stewardship – Wagner Guidini
The evening worship was led by Brother Adrian Finaru, the outgoing Youth Department Director. His message, “Simple Faith and Unquestioning Obedience,” focused on the importance of prioritizing our values—especially our families. He reminded everyone that our first mission field is our own home. He concluded with a poignant reflection:
“What could have been may still be—if only we take the time.”
As the evening closed, many left in quiet reflection, reminded that while we are called to labor in the Lord’s vineyard, our first calling is to nurture the souls within our own families.