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Juicing Your Way to More Energy: Green Juice

November 17, 2016
Green juices galore! Juice those veggies for concentrated nutrients and vitamins.

Kale, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, lettuce—leafy greens are known for their high amounts of vitamins, minerals (including calcium!), and fibers. They have many benefits in the way they help boost the immune system, ward off depression, help digestion, improve skin health, strengthen the bones, protect the heart, improve vision, lower cholesterol—just to name a few things! 


With numerous veggies come numerous juice options! 


Here is a list of veggies that can be used in juices:

- kale

- collard greens

- spinach

- lettuce

- swiss chard

- dandelion leaves

- beat leaves

- basil

- parsley

- escarole/endive 

- mustard greens

- cilantro 


Using fresh ingredients and some creativity you can have delicious and healthy juices every time.


Here are a few ideas: 



1 cucumber peeled and cut

4 stalks of celery

6 leafs of kale

lemon to taste

Ginger root to taste



Process all ingredients in a juicer or blender. Add water if needed in order to blend.



4 Large Leaves Collard Greens

1 Small-medium head Broccoli

1 Medium Cucumber

1/3 Head Red Cabbage

4 Large Carrots

1/2 Apple (optional)



1. Wash, peel, chop ingredients.

2. Juice in blender or juicer. 

3. Enjoy immediately!


Tip: many greens go well with apples or orange juice in order to balance their taste. Try adding a fruit of your preference to your green juice or smoothie for extra flavor and nutrients!