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Juicing Your Way to More Energy

Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
November 16, 2016
Do you wish you had more energy? Do the day-to-day tasks on your to-do list wear you out? Try this.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder that has several symptoms including debilitating fatigue, difficulty sleeping, memory and motor function decline. Despite having so many symptoms, conventional medicine has not found any laboratory tests or x-rays to diagnose chronic fatigue. Recently, research has attributed CFS to a triad of problems: auto-inflammation, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and ATP (cellular energy) deficiency. Unfortunately, there has been very little advancement with regards to treatment and curing the illness.


Part of Complementary Alternative Medicine’s (CAM—non-conventional medical practices) approach to CFS is detoxing the body’s immune system from accumulated toxins that cause inflammation and oxidative stress. Viral and fungal infections, exposure to different drugs and toxic metals, and other byproducts of our diet result in  toxic residues.


One way to detox is through juicing. There has been debate as to whether our bodies need detoxing through juicing. The argument is that the liver, intestines, lungs, skin, and kidney are fully capable of detoxing our body on their own. While this is true, these organs cannot properly function if they are overburdened with toxins from their environment and our diet. The overwhelming amount of fatty liver disease, colon carcinoma, asthma, obesity and chronic kidney disease affecting our society is proof that our livers are not able to break down the high fat in our diet at the rate we are ingesting. Likewise, our intestines are not able to keep up with the processed and refined fast food leading to esophageal reflux, constipation, and colon cancer. It is true, however, that our bodies were created to function under magnificent stress and have the ability to heal under the right circumstances. Juicing can help create such circumstances.


Strengthening the immune system and unburdening the liver are crucial steps to regaining energy. First, intake of raw vegetables must be increased through the consumption of salads or through juicing.


Juicing is beneficial for various reasons. It is:

- quick

- convenient

- easy

- effective


It is a convenient and quick way to incorporate several cups worth of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals into the body. Most of us don’t eat 5-6 cups of vegetables per day, but juicing provides an easy way to absorb phytochemicals since juice lacks the insoluble fiber from the vegetable. It is an effective fast-track delivery of dense nutrients to the blood, liver, brain, and kidneys. Likewise, juicing can also help incorporate a variety of vegetables that you may not normally enjoy eating whole.


Vegetables such as kale, beets, carrots, cucumbers, fennel, and radishes are nutritionally dense and offer live sources of vitamins A, B, C and K along with minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium. Vegetable juices are even healthier than fruit juices, which are often very high in sugar.


What you need for juicing:

- a juicer or blender 

- a few simple recipes

- fresh vegetables


Below are a few recipes to get you started.


Carrot juices

Beet juices

Green juices


Give juicing a try and feel the benefits that come with a boosted and happy immune system!



It is important to note that juices are not a complete meal as they lack protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Juicing can be a temporary method of detoxing the body while giving you more energy for optimal health. Before starting a fasting or detoxing regimen, make sure juicing is a healthy option for you by talking with your health care provider.