The last Friday of the delegation session began with morning worship, led by Brother Ghenadii Lavrik, the president of the Ukrainian Union. He presented the topic “The Loveliness of the Christian Character.” Brother Lavrik reflected on the life of David, highlighting his journey of character development. At times, David demonstrated a Christlike character, while at other times, he fell short. However, the key lesson for us is that trials play a crucial role in shaping the character that Christ desires to see in us. The morning worship was marked with a poignant moment when the brethren from Ukraine and Russia presented a special item of praise, together.
The session then resumed with a continuation of yesterday’s Bible study by Brother Peter D. Lausevic, who revisited the question: “Why are we here?” He guided the delegates through a brief history of the Jewish nation, examining the factors that led to their persecution. He noted that the apostolic Christian church had initially focused on self-preservation, particularly in Jerusalem, and as a result, lost sight of their mission. However, following persecution, the Gospel spread to the whole world. Brother Lausevic concluded with a heartfelt appeal, urging the delegates to step beyond their own countries and share the Gospel with others.
Following the study, the session continued with a partial report from the Bylaws and Doctrinal Committee. Several items were presented and tabled for further discussion. Delegates then broke into their respective committees to continue planning and finalizing nominations for various departments.
As Friday was a half day to allow for preparation for the Sabbath, the day’s official proceedings came to an end. After lunch, delegates took time to prepare for the Sabbath, while musicians arrived and gathered for sectional rehearsals.
At 6:00 PM, Brother Peter led the opening Sabbath worship titled “Bread for the Hungry”, delivering a message on present truth and emphasizing that Jesus is at the center of it all. The delegates, musicians, and brethren from the local church welcomed the Sabbath together.