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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Lessons from the Epistles of Peter (I)

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  Sabbath, April 6, 2024

First Sabbath Offering for the Narang Mandi Church, Pakistan

The message of the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement entered Pakistan in the latter part of the twentieth century. The total population of Pakistan is 241.5 million and the religion of the majority of the people is Islam (96.47%), followed by Hinduism (2.14%) Christianity (1.27%), and other religions (0.11%). Our country is surrounded by Afghanistan, China, India, the Arabian Sea and Iran. Agriculture contributes to around 20.9% of the gross domestic product. The economy of Pakistan is classified as that of a low-income developing country. The nation ranks poorly in most of the development indicators set by the United Nations Development Programme and World Bank.

The city of Narang Mandi is situated in the Muridke district within the state of Punjab. The total population of this overall district is over 500,000. In recent decades, we have conducted meetings, seminars and other activities for the development of church activities among our brethren in Pakistan. Even amid the troubles faced, we are able to sustain our faith in Christ. Now our activities have spread across our country. We are pressing forward to develop various aspects of the Lord’s work such as missionary outreach, health education, leadership development, establishing education centers, and repairing our old churches in Pakistan.

“The Lord is speaking to His people at this time, saying, Gain an entrance into the cities, and proclaim the truth in simplicity and in faith. The Holy Spirit will work through your efforts to impress hearts. Introduce no strange doctrine into your message, but speak the simple words of the gospel of Christ, which young and old can understand. The unlearned as well as the educated are to comprehend the truths of the third angel’s message, and they must be taught in simplicity. If you would approach the people acceptably, humble your hearts before God and learn His ways.”—Medical Ministry, p. 299.

All our offerings should be presented with cheerfulness; God’s claims would be welcomed and His cause would be considered as justly entitled to a portion of the funds entrusted to our hands. The brethren and sisters from the Pakistan Mission are thanking you, our dear brothers, sisters and youth for the generous donation toward His cause in this challenging part of the world . . . “for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Your brothers and sisters from the Pakistan Church

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