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Sabbath Bible Lessons

The City of Refuge

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Last quarter, Sabbath school students around the world studied The People of the Ark. This current lesson, The City of Refuge, is actually a continuation of that general subject. These two quarterlies are designed to bring us highly relevant insights on the experience of ancient Israel in preparing for the Promised Land in their day–and to present us with important parallels for the eternal Promised Land so soon to come in our day.

“The history of the wilderness life of Israel was chronicled for the benefit of the Israel of God till the close of time. The record of God’s dealing with the wanderers of the desert in all their marchings to and fro, in their exposure to hunger, thirst, and weariness, and in the striking manifestations of His power for their relief, is fraught with warning and instruction for His people in all ages. The varied experience of the Hebrews was a school of preparation for their promised home in Canaan. God would have His people in these days review with a humble heart and teachable spirit the trials through which ancient Israel passed, that they may be instructed in their preparation for the heavenly Canaan.”–Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 293.

One key component throughout Israel’s wilderness journey was the sacred Ark of the Covenant. Called to be distinct among all nations, the Israelites were to be recognized as God’s chosen people throughout the world solely because of their worship of the Creator of heaven and earth–the one and only true God, the Lord Jehovah. The Ark of the Covenant was given as a monumental symbol of their faith. Beneath the mercy seat and inside that ark were three items:

1.The tables of stone with the Ten Commandments.

2.A pot of manna.

3.Aaron’s rod that had budded.

These items were highly significant in their meaning and implications. It is also important to keep in mind that “the ark of the earthly sanctuary was the pattern of the true ark in heaven” (The Signs of the Times, June 24, 1880).

In The People of the Ark we studied the first two items in the ark. The City of Refuge will focus largely on the third item. As believers looking earnestly to the heavenly sanctuary, we certainly need to understand what is inside that Ark of the Covenant and what it means for us!

“In all the journeyings of Israel, ‘the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them’ (Numbers 10:33). . . . The sacred chest containing God’s holy law was to lead” (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 375, 376). Today, as we look heavenward, we pray that the heavenly Ark may guide our upward journey to purity and perfection by the mercy and strength of Jesus Christ, our High Priest!

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