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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

Regaining Your First Love

Regaining That First Love
B Monteiro
Regaining That First Love

Have you left it—is it gone?

Has it fallen now to rust?

Has your love for souls been trailing in the dust?


Do you need it to be saved—

Is it part of Christian trust?

Yes, essential! Find it now, indeed you must!

Where it went, you wonder now—

To good works it did provoke

All that tender, early love for many folk!

Yet it’s gone; you wonder why—

As if shattered by a stroke. . . .

It is almost like it drifted up in smoke!

Grayish fog befell the camp;

O’er the flame did someone smother

All that special, vibrant care for one another!

So, let’s turn away that focus

At our foe, friend, family, mother—

To the place where pleads our precious Elder Brother!

Before His throne, let us bow down.

Before His cross we now should weep,

Regaining first that sacred love we ought to keep—

To overcome the roaring lion:

In kindness tread the pathway steep

Outside the fold—it’s time to win those poor, lost sheep!

—B. Monteiro