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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

20th General Conference Session

Mission in Action - The European Region
Adapted from the report by Marin Barbu
Marin Barbu

Beloved brethren in Jesus Christ, I have a special joy to be here with you and I praise the Lord for having been granted the privilege to attend this General Conference Session. The song “They Come From the East and West” has been sung a couple of times and indeed the Lord has gathered us at His feet from the north, south, east, and west. My beloved brethren, I want to greet you in behalf of the brethren in Europe. At the same time I would like to thank the Korean brethren in behalf of the European brethren.

It is very encouraging for us to receive missionary news from various parts of the world. This afternoon I want to share with you some news from Europe. When I came to the Reform Movement I studied the prophecies and understood that most of them had already been fulfilled. But the prophecy in Matthew 24:14 was quite hard for me to fathom. How could it come true? At that time the borders were not open for us in Romania where I live. During those years that Communism was flourishing in our country, we used to have our meetings at nighttime. Those who read the Bible were considered to be enemies of the state. If anyone would tell someone about Christ, he or she would receive fines or be arrested. I somehow doubted how the prophecy of Matthew 24:14 could come true for us. But the fact that we are here is proof that the prophecies are fulfilling, and what our Lord Jesus promised will come to pass for sure. The Lord said, “Go ye therefore into all the world.” Now we fully believe that the whole world will come to learn about Christ’s love.

Jesus has told us to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). According to the Spirit of Prophecy, to whom did the Lord give this commission?

Jesus explained, “To you, My disciples, I commit this message of mercy. It is to be given to both Jews and Gentiles - to Israel, first, and then to all nations, tongues, and peoples. All who believe are to be gathered into one church.”1

To whom is this commission given? To simple men and women who learn to love Him. Not only to the ministers - but to the believers in all centuries. Whoever has received the gospel has received the commission to spread it.

“To Christ’s followers today, no less than to the first disciples, these words are spoken: ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.’ ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Matthew 28:18, 19; Mark 16:15).”2

“God has called His church in this day, as He called ancient Israel, to stand as a light in the earth. By the mighty cleaver of truth, the messages of the first, second, and third angels, He has separated them from the churches and from the world to bring them into a sacred nearness to Himself. He has made them the depositaries of His law and has committed to them the great truths of prophecy for this time.”3

This message has been entrusted to us and we have to carry it to the uttermost parts of the world. We read, “To us also the commission is given. We are bidden to go forth as Christ’s messengers, to teach, instruct, and persuade men and women, to urge upon their attention the word of life. And to us also the assurance of Christ’s abiding presence is given. Whatever the difficulties with which we may have to contend, whatever the trials we may have to endure, the gracious promise is always ours, ‘Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world’ (Matthew 28:20).”4

“The message of the soon coming of the Saviour must be given in all parts of the world, and a solemn dignity should characterize it in every branch. A large vineyard is to be worked, and the wise husbandman will work it so that every part will produce fruit.”5 “God has qualified His people to enlighten the world. He has entrusted them with faculties by which they are to extend His work until it shall encircle the globe. In all parts of the earth they are to establish sanitariums, schools, publishing houses, and kindred facilities for the accomplishment of His work.

“The closing message of the gospel is to be carried to ‘every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people’ (Revelation 14:6). In foreign countries many enterprises for the advancement of this message must yet be begun and carried forward. The opening of hygienic restaurants and treatment rooms, and the establishment of sanitariums for the care of the sick and the suffering, is just as necessary in Europe as in America. In many lands, medical missions are to be established to act as God’s helping hand in ministering to the afflicted.”6

I have been working in the European Region, dear ones, where the work is organized into eleven (11) units: 3 Unions, 6 Fields, and 2 Missions. The Lord is in our midst.

Literature is being freely distributed by our people in Germany and Romania, where the believers spread a table on a sidewalk or park and tell people about our message. Blood pressure checks and health seminars are offered to the public, as are children’s camps offering classes in English, breadmaking, cooking, woodworking, speech, and Christian deportment. These have been very successful in the community.

In April 2007, the first class of missionary school students graduated. Some of them have already been employed in the Lord’s work and others are active in their local churches. In August another class of students began their studies. Currently there are 25 sisters and 22 brothers attending.

Our Lord Jesus spent more time healing than preaching. An entire heaven is interested in soothing the suffering. Therefore our medical personnel have met several times to promote the medical missionary work. One such meeting was held in Croatia in 2005, and another in Germany in 2006. The brethren are concerned with the question of why Christians get sick and how this can be prevented.

The Lord has bidden us to establish sanitariums and we are very grateful to Him for our sanitarium in Romania. Many people from the higher classes come to this sanitarium, bringing a category of people to whom the gospel could not reach any other way. At the sanitarium the brethren and sisters use fomentations with clay and pulverized charcoal as well as hydrotherapy. The most important therapy is sacrotherapy - whereby through the power of God’s word, people are brought to the feet of Jesus. Many come here with serious diseases and go home with Christ in their hearts.

One example was that of a businessman who was brought by his disease to the sanitarium. After a while, he came back with his wife, and when they returned home they gave up their business. They surrendered their hearts to Christ and their whole family became members of our church. Then, to reach out to the community, they bought a house in the city and established the first vegetarian restaurant in Romania.

Another important branch of work which we consider a lot in Europe is the preparation of healthful food.

In Hungary, Romania, and Germany, cooking classes are held regularly.

The publishing work is a branch to which we have given much of our attention. We have a printshop in Romania where the Sabbath Bible Lessons for Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Spain are printed.

Public meetings are also being held by our Young People’s Department, including International Youth Congresses where as many as 16 countries have been represented at once. The Lord says that the youth are our future and with an army of rightly trained workers we can bring the gospel to all the nations of the world.

The work is also progressing in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain and the harvest is being reaped.

So, beloved brethren, I would like to conclude with the following text: “O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift [it] up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!” (Isaiah 40:9).

Let us reveal to the people what God has done for us, so that when Jesus comes, those who will be saved by our united efforts will be able to tell us, “If you had not been there, if you had not left your comfortable home, I would not have been saved.” My desire is that all of us should have this special joy!

1 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 27.
2 The Ministry of Healing, p. 106.
3 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 455.
4 Evangelism, p. 15.
5 Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 289.
6 Medical Ministry, pp. 330, 331.