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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

Principles of Genuine Reformation

Home & Family
Enduring With Our Children
Cheri Fritz

“Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).

Developing as a Christian mother I have been brought into many new experiences. I find myself enjoying the blessings of motherhood, yet I also must relate that it is a constant thought to go out and further testify as a missionary to others of the great love that our Saviour has given. So often I find myself wanting to do more than the Lord has asked. But this does not work out well because I can become easily scattered. There truly are so many things I really want to do, but which things shall I do first?

Parents’ most important work

God has given parents their work, to form the characters of their children after the divine Pattern. By His grace they can accomplish the task; but it will require patient, painstaking effort, no less than firmness and decision, to guide the will and restrain the passions. A field left to itself produces only thorns and briers. He who would secure a harvest for usefulness or beauty must first prepare the soil and sow the seed, then dig about the young shoots, removing the weeds and softening the earth, and the precious plants will flourish and richly repay his care and labor.

Character building is the most important work ever entrusted to human beings, and never before was its diligent study so important as now. Never was any previous generation called to meet issues so momentous; never before were young men and young women confronted by perils so great as confront them today.

Here is your work, parents, to develop the characters of your children in harmony with the precepts of the Word of God. This work should come first, for eternal interests are here involved. The character building of your children is of more importance than the cultivation of your farms, more essential than the building of houses to live in, or of prosecuting any manner of business or trade.”1

Educational tools

“Whatever else is taught in the home or at school, the Bible, as the great educator, should stand first. If it is given this place, God is honored, and He will work for you in the conversion of your children. There is a rich mine of truth and beauty in this holy book, and parents have themselves to blame if they do not make it intensely interesting to their children.”2

The spectrum of the Holy Bible has come to provide each of my three sons with curiosity questions. Often I find myself just so fascinated at their interest in the Lord’s Word. But I can understand why they are so interested, for the Holy Bible presents a wonderful array of interesting truths. The Holy Bible contains 66 books which teach many subjects. It was written by about forty writers spanning over 1,600 years. Here is a short list of subjects that you will find in the Holy Bible:

• Science

• Biography

• Music

• History

• How to be a friend

• Health and cleanliness

• Poetry

• Finance

• Working together

• Adventure

• and more!

Studying nature is another excellent way to help my children see the grace and beauty that God has given to us. From planting a small garden to studying the habitats of insects and animals, this education is truly involving. Nature truly does divert their minds to consider what God has given.

The secret of growth in grace. - “Tell your children about the miracle-working power of God. As they study the great lesson book of nature, God will impress their minds. The farmer plows his land and sows his seed, but he cannot make the seed grow. He must depend on God to do that which no human power can do. The Lord puts His vital power into the seed, causing it to spring forth into life. Under His care the germ of life breaks through the hard crust encasing it, and springs up to bear fruit. First appears the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. As the children are told of the work that God does for the seed, they learn the secret of growth in grace.”3

What nature reveals:

• The love of God

• Sciences

• Working together

• Recycling

How to achieve our work

Prayer and cooperation are essential. - ”Christ did not ask His Father to take the disciples out of the world, but to keep them from the evil in the world, to keep them from yielding to the temptations which they would meet on every hand. This prayer fathers and mothers should offer for their children. But shall they plead with God, and then leave their children to do as they please? God cannot keep children from evil if the parents do not cooperate with Him. Bravely and cheerfully parents should take up their work, carrying it forward with unwearying endeavor.

“If parents would feel that they are never released from their burden of educating and training their children for God, if they would do their work in faith, cooperating with God by earnest prayer and work, they would be successful in bringing their children to the Saviour.”4

• Cooperate in faith with God

• Always keep your children near you

• Cheerful example in all details of life

• Seek prayer constantly

Are there any concerns I should remember?

Would I wrong my children. - “If parents are not careful, they will treat their children in such a way as will lead the children to demand attention and privileges that will call for the parents to deprive themselves in order to indulge their little ones. The children will call upon the parents to do things for them, to gratify their wishes, and the parents will concede to their wishes, regardless of the fact that it is inculcating selfishness in their children. But in doing this work parents are wronging their children, and will find out afterwards how difficult a thing it is to counteract the influence of the education of the first few years in a child’s life. Children need to learn early that they cannot be gratified when selfishness prompts their wishes.”5

What will our work yield?

“Your children will carry forth from the home the precious influence of the home education. Then work in the home circle, in the first years of the children’s lives, and they will carry your influence into the schoolroom; that influence will be felt by many others. Thus the Lord will be glorified.”6

• Divine love appreciated

• Influence to others

• The Lord is glorified

In reviewing all that I have learned through the Lord’s teaching, I have come to see that it is more profitable to endure with the children than to consider my wants. These very children beneath our wings are in fact the future bearers of the truth. So it is my prayer that each of us - parents, aunts, uncles and all relatives - will work with the children and endure with them because they are worth our efforts.

1 Child Guidance, p. 169.
2 Ibid., p. 510.
3 Ibid., pp. 57, 58.
4 Ibid., p. 22.
5 Ibid., pp. 91, 92.
6 Ibid., pp. 484, 485.