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Joice Kelly and Luciane Barbosa da Silva
December 14, 2016
On November 18-20, 2016, our church in Geneva, Switzerland, held its first Marriage Seminar under the theme "Water or Wine?"

GENEVA - On November 18-20, 2016, our church in Geneva, Switzerland, held its first Marriage Seminar under the theme "Water or Wine?" with Pastor Cicero Barros as the main speaker. The event began on Friday night, continued during the Sabbath, and ended on Sunday afternoon. There were 13 couples present, 4 of whom were visitors. We also had the opportunity to have with us 4 visitors who were single but helped in the event. The event was organized by the Geneva's Family Department Director, Sister Luciane Barbosa, with the help of Sisters Paula Barbosa and Celene Rocon.


Joélison Nascimento
December 13, 2016
On November 19, 2016, the Portuguese Field's Evangelism Department held a smoking cessation campaign in the city of Almada, Portugal.

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live," Deuteronomy 30:19.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
December 11, 2016
Did you know juicing can help reverse type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes has become an epidemic. It is estimated there are 415 million individuals suffering from diabetes worldwide. In fact, it is estimated that one in two people don’t know they have diabetes.


Davi P. Silva
December 11, 2016
Un messaggio a voi dal fratello Davi P. Silva come i nuovi approcci anno.

Cari fratelli e sorelle nel mondo,


Affettuosi saluti cristiani con le seguenti parole ispirate: “conoscendo il tempo, perchè è ormai ora che ci svegliamo dal sonno, poichè  la salvezza ci è ora più vicina di quando credemmo. La notte è avanzata e il giorno è vicino; gettiamo dunque via le opera delle tenebre e indossiamo le armi della luce… Ma rivestitevi del Signor Gesù Cristo e non abbiate cura della carne per soddisfare le sue concupiscenze.” (Romani 13:11, 12, 14).


Mateus Leopoldino
December 11, 2016
On Sabbath, December 10, 2016, the choir from our church in Vila Matilde went to a local park in São Paulo to spread joy and God's love through song.

SÃO PAULO - On Sabbath, December 10, 2016, the choir from our church in Vila Matilde went to Parque do Carmo, a local park in São Paulo, to spread joy and God's love through song. They were joined by friends and visitors who helped in the event. The objective of the event was to bring attention to Christ's first advent and to place hope in the hearers' hearts for His second coming. 

