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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

The Faith of Jesus

Children’s Corner
It’s Easier Than It Seems
B. Montrose
It’s Easier Than It Seems

Why are things so hard sometimes?” asked Allen.

“What do you mean, son?” Dad responded.

“It seems as if every day has a new thing that I have to do that’s hard! Arithmetic problems get harder. I have to write a book report on a book that’s not very interesting. Then I have to clean up the mess that the puppy made when he got loose. Next I have to rake the leaves over again since the wind blew down more leaves after the ones that I had already raked up yesterday. Then the little neighbor boy comes and jumps into my pile of leaves and makes them fly everywhere so it takes me twice as long to finish. He even laughs about it, but I’m not allowed to get mad at him. . . . The list goes on and on. . . . Dad, does all this trouble happen just because I’m trying to be good and follow God?”

Dad smiled. “You’re not the only one who has wondered about this kind of thing, Allen. Even the faithful king David wondered why the wicked seemed to have such an easy life on this earth, as if they had no problems at all. In Psalm 37:35–40 he talks about this. By faith, David saw that good would come to those who trust in God and that the wicked would perish. You’re wondering: Does God really see all that people go through? Why does He let it happen? Let’s read what the Lord’s servant writes of how good can come from all of this:

“ ‘The little incidents of everyday life often pass without our notice, but it is these things that shape the character. Every event of life is great for good or for evil. The mind needs to be trained by daily tests, that it may acquire power to stand in any difficult position.’ 1 ‘Let me assure you that the struggles and conflicts which must be endured in the discharge of duty, the self-denials and sacrifices which must be made if we are faithful to Christ, are not created by Him. . . . Trials would exist in greater power and number were we to refuse obedience to Christ and become the servants of Satan and the slaves of sin.”2 The Bible says, ‘Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard’ (Proverbs 13:15). ‘Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all’ (Psalm 34:19). Yes, Allen, difficult trials and tests come to everyone. But without God’s help they would be much, much harder. He is our Friend and Helper in every time of need.”

“You know, Dad, I suppose this is what Jesus went through while on earth. He had to learn His school subjects, He had to do His chores, He was good and kind to everyone who needed His help—even to those who made His life very, very hard. But after He finished His work, He was able to rise from the dead and the story has a happy ending.”

“That’s right, son. Jesus has all power in Heaven and on earth—and He’s going to help you today with all that you need to do. Let’s ask Him right now!”

1 Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 561.
2 Ibid., p. 558.