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The Reformation Herald Online Edition


The Earth Enlightened:
The Glory of God Manifested in Humble Vessels
K. Clark

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). What was the occasion for this great declaration, and what did it mean?

As we look back in the earlier verses in Luke, chapter 2, we see the scenario that was happening. Shepherds were in the fields watching over their flock during the night. Suddenly an angel from God came unto them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid because they did not know what it meant. The angel gave them the explanation that the Saviour of the world had been born in Bethlehem, and there was much rejoicing in heaven over His birth. Yes, Christ the Lord, the promised Messiah, had been born.

Glory to God

In Luke 2:9 is stated the fact that “the glory of the Lord shone round about them.” What was this glory, this magnificent light which penetrated the darkness of the night? Just what is the glory of God referred to here?

The act of glorifying someone means to praise and adore; to give honor, to exult with joy, to rejoice. Is it any wonder that angels, the heavenly messengers, came to make this important declaration to the humble shepherds? What a joyous occasion it was that brought them to the shepherds during the lonely night. At that time the darkness of the night became enlightened around them, and they were led to understand more clearly the event which they were witnessing. The instruction was given to them, and they were able to comprehend the truth of what was presented to them.

So it is when the whole earth is enlightened with the truth as it is manifest in humble vessels, as were the shepherds that night. God’s glory did shine forth to the humblest of the humble. How did this glorification of God continue through the ages, and how will it continue right up to the time of Jesus’ second coming? This will be our focus here. Let us open our hearts to receive knowledge concerning the wonderful privilege which is ours, to glorify the name of our Creator and Saviour, not only through our words but through our life.

Looking back in time

God has had His special messengers in all periods of time; those who were willing to be led by Him to bear witness of His love for humanity, even when the race was seemingly lost in the throes of sin; when there appeared to be no alternative but for them to die in their hopeless condition. He has had His faithful, humble servants whom He called for the special work of proclaiming the plan of salvation that had been laid prior to the foundation of the world.

We are familiar with the life of faithful Noah. He happened to live in the time of the antediluvians, the time when very wicked conditions existed in the earth. The account of this may be read in the sixth chapter of Genesis. The people who lived then were so devoted to the corrupt things of the world that they would not acknowledge the God who was supplying them with the necessities of life.

The God of heaven is jealous of His honor. He desired that the people of that time would give up their wicked ways and look to Him, to worship Him, and glorify Him through obedience to Him. But they would not. It was because of their great sin, and their refusal to listen seriously to the warning messages which were being given to them by His faithful servant Noah, that they were destroyed by the flood waters which came upon them. They had refused to believe that a flood was even possible, much less that they would be destroyed by it.

Another faithful one, full of zeal and enduring much hardship while bearing faithful witness in the midst of perverse people was John the Baptist. He who was the forerunner of Christ went forward filled with God’s Spirit to point out the sins of the people and to point them to the One who was soon to come among them, the Saviour of the world. He was humble and told his listeners that he was not worthy to even loosen the sandals of He who was to come. Just prior to the cruel death to which he was subjected, he still was faithful to show the rulers their sins and point them to Christ and their need to be obedient to the God of the universe, the One who could save them.

As these faithful followers and believers in God’s love for fallen humanity were willing to suffer hardship and self-denial for His cause, so can we take example from them. All the children of God are to manifest His glory by presenting to a dying world His message of mercy and reveal to all just what his grace has done for them. That bright light is to shine forth from them in their good works—works of truth and deeds of holiness. It is when we surrender all and allow Him to abide in us, that we will resemble His perfect character and allow it to be reflected through us to others. By this we will glorify His name.

The light of the world

“Ye are the light of the world,” so reads Matthew 5:14. What good is a light unless it dispels darkness? There are so many in the world today who may have heard the good news of the gospel but who remain in darkness, often due to their own choosing. It was to His disciples that Jesus declared, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

Verse 12 tells more of His discourse with them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Verse 13 concludes with, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

So we are again reminded that to give glory to God is to honor Him; it is to give Him praise, to exalt Him with joy, to rejoice in Him. It is through this that the whole earth shall be enlightened. Should this not be the focal point of the goal to which we wish to attain?

With this in mind, what should we be, and how should we work?

The preparation

In this our day, we are preparing for the second advent of Jesus. The shepherds in the fields, with their flocks on that lonely night so long ago, were sent to welcome Him in His first advent. So much has occurred in human lives since then and, again, prophecies are being fulfilled which are pointing to His coming also, His second advent. All of heaven is preparing for that great day when He shall once again return to earth but with a different goal in mind. He came to seek and to save and to teach; now He will return to redeem those who have been faithful, obedient followers. What will He find within those who profess to honor and obey Him?

The best place to begin this work of preparation is in the home circle. Matthew 21:16 reminds us, “Jesus saith. . . Have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” In many times and circumstances, little children have been led to proclaim the gospel. There have been instances when an adult would not be allowed to speak the word, but a child could step up and do so without any adverse consequences. How important it is that parents train their children in the ways of the Lord. They also will be used by the Lord, both in and out of season, to make the proclamation of things to come and give the invitation for repentance. Could there be any more humble servant than an innocent child?

Jesus prepared well His twelve disciples through His verbal teaching and also through His example. He enlightened them through the use of parables concerning the practical issues of life, as well as through the Scriptures which were then available. He wanted them to learn to be long-suffering and manifest love to those for whom they labored. They were to be representatives to the world and to all people around them of just what is essential for a successful Christian experience. Many of them were not truly converted, even when they were with Him on a daily basis, so they had to learn many principles of life before they could fully benefit those with whom they were in contact.

What about us?

Many centuries have passed into eternity since Jesus and His first followers were working upon the earth to bring souls into the knowledge of what it means to be saved, rather than eternally lost. But, even so, are our struggles against a wily foe any different? Has he slacked off in his efforts to cause humanity to live for self rather than to glorify and honor their Creator? If anything, many more temptations of various magnitudes assail us living in these very last days of earth’s history. We live in a time when we must have more knowledge of what present truth is so that we may reach the souls who are longing to know the way of salvation. This is not the time to be misguided by mere speculations and false theories. If we would truly live for Jesus and let His name be upheld with honor, we must know well the truth of His word and earnestly, in love, teach it to others.

Every day many are perishing all around us; some have heard the good news of the gospel, others may not have heard or accepted it. Jesus came to earth to impart the way of truth to humankind and impress upon them how important it is that they receive the precepts which He wanted them to know and to be obedient to them. He came to instruct and save the lost ones. If we profess to be His followers, will not we do the very works which He did? How will we be qualified to brighten the earth with His truth and bring glory to His name?

There will be a faithful people

In Revelation 14:12 we find these words so important for us: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” The patience of the saints refers to their persistence; persistence in right-doing, total surrender and dedication of the life to the service of God; total faith in the truth of His word. The truth must not be hidden but the standard, the moral law of God, must be held high so that all will see it and be drawn to it.

What type of people will it be who will successfully carry the banner of truth forward? what type of character will they display? Often when we see a vessel filled with beautiful fruit being held out to us, we want to investigate it more closely. But when we draw near to it, if we fear that it may be flawed and undesirable because the one offering it to us is filled with a wrong attitude and less than a perfect manner; when we see it in the hands of such a person, would we be led to think that perhaps the fruit would be less than perfect also? When we find this situation, will we change our minds about whether we want to partake of it? I think we would.

We are the vessels whom the Lord would have to bear the beautiful fruit of His truth to a lost world. But if our attitudes and the manner with which we present it are harsh or impatient, will anyone wish to investigate it further? Probably not.

God will have a people, chosen vessels as it were, who will be willing to be qualified by Him, to carry the gems of truth to a waiting world. One characteristic of these people will be that of humbleness. A vessel which displays impatience, selfishness, lack of self-control and self-denial, a lack of genuine compassion for the souls around him, will drive people away rather than draw them to a loving Father who is wanting to save them.

Yes, God will have a people so dedicated to Him and to His cause that they will be humbled before Him, so that He will be able to use them in the finishing of His work of salvation. In 1 Peter 5:6 we find the admonition given, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.” To exalt is to lift up; in due time would indicate at the proper time. As we learn more of the meek and lowly Jesus and the life which He lived while upon earth, we find in Him the meaning of humbleness. It indicates a submissiveness to the divine will of God, a lack of arrogance and self-dependence, a lack of envy toward others, a lack of partiality and hypocrisy. When we are enabled, through the indwelling of Christ within us, to be His truly humble vessels, the people all around will desire to come closer and examine the beautiful fruit which we offer to them.

It is thus that we will lift Him up, that His name will be glorified and find honor among humankind. In the display of kindness, gentleness, purity, peacefulness, and understanding, mercy will shine forth and His grace will be made known. James 4:6 brings this to mind, “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resiseth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” Verse 10 of that same chapter says, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” This is saying to us that in the presence of the Lord, He shall exalt us. It is not the same exaltation which we might be tempted to give ourselves, but rather the lifting up and the strengthening which He will supply for us as we go forth in His name to honor Him and lift Him up before the inhabitants of the earth. What a wonderful privilege we should deem this, to be among this special people, doing this most wonderful work, as we look forward to the second coming of our Lord and Saviour! That coming will be accompanied by thousands of holy angels, not with a small number like appeared to the shepherds when His first coming was announced.

What of our activity?

What of the work of our Saviour at this time? What are His ongoing activities while He awaits the time when it shall be announced that all things have been completed and He is to begin His journey back to the earth surrounded by the vast host of heavenly angels to redeem His faithful ones? He and those who serve Him there have one goal in mind: To uphold the honor and glory of God and to plead with the inhabitants of this fallen world to repent, be converted and join in this work also. What more worthy goal could any being have than this?

Psalm 126:6 declares: “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” We have been commissioned by the Lord to go forth into all the world to sow these seeds of truth so that there might be many saved in the great harvest of souls. 1 Peter 2:9 states a very specific injunction—that “ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” Do these words produce a certain sound, indicate a certain people who have a certain work to do? When God speaks, He is specific and His words leave no room for doubt. What a goal He places before us! Are we willing to humble ourselves before Him, humbly take up our cross and follow Him, doing His work while at the same time giving Him the honor and the glory? I pray that we will all say “Amen” to that!

We are not left alone

We have not been called into service and then left alone in the battle. As we go forth doing the work of the fourth angel of Revelation chapter 18, which symbolizes a movement that is to lighten the earth with glory and proclaim a life-and-death message, many people will come out of darkness and be led into the full light of the truth of God. The loud cry of the third angel’s message spoken of in Revelation chapter 14 will be proclaimed with great power by those who are faithful and zealous and loyal to God. The knowledge of the saving, sanctifying truth must be made known to all who will listen to God’s servants. As people hear the truth and look upon those who are presenting it, they should see lives which are in conformity with the principles set forth in those truths.

“Not in our learning, not in our position, not in our numbers or entrusted talents, not in the will of man, is to be found the secret of success. Feeling our inefficiency we are to contemplate Christ, and through Him who is the strength of all strength, the thought of all thought, the willing and obedient will gain victory after victory.

“And however short our service or humble our work, if in simple faith we follow Christ, we shall not be disappointed of the reward. That which even the greatest and wisest cannot earn, the weakest and most humble may receive. Heaven’s golden gate opens not to the self-exalted. It is not lifted up to the proud in spirit. But the everlasting portals will open wide to the trembling touch of a little child. Blessed will be the recompense of grace to those who have wrought for God in the simplicity of faith and love.”1

Our goal

It is through our willing, humble service and a life reflecting Christ’s love to others that the goal of having the name of God glorified and honored in the earth will be reached. It is through the perfection of our character which comes through yielding our life to His will and allowing His Spirit to dwell within us, that a dying world will be able to see that we are true, obedient followers of Him.

As we each reflect upon these things, may we be willing, humble workers in His vineyard, so that when He comes we shall hear Him refer to us as “good and faithful” servants. Let us purify our characters before Him and be found without spot or wrinkle. May God bless every such effort made in His name! Amen.

1 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 404.