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Today’s Manna

Daily Reading for Saturday, April 6, 2024
Scripture: Proverbs 17:9
“He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.”

“Much talking that in no way glorifies God, is done by professed Christians. Many gossip over the faults committed by others; but those who do this do not engage in Christian conversation with the one they think in the wrong. They have no desire to meet him face to face, and in a kindly Christ-like way tell him his faults, and pray with him, and then leave the whole matter with God.

“As long as the church in any location shall feel at liberty to handle character as they have done in the past, and to act as judges of one another, God cannot bless them. We must keep off the enemy’s ground. He is the accuser of the brethren, and accuses them before God day and night. He tempts them to sin, and constantly leads them to transgress the law of God. Then he presents their defection and transgression as a reason why he should work his will to destroy them, and why God should not interpose His power against Satan’s power.

“I tell you, in the name of the Lord God of heaven, that some who profess to believe the truth need that transformation of character that will build up and encourage the church, in the place of weakening and destroying it. Jesus is the Restorer; Satan is the destroyer. You cannot afford to sow one seed of doubt; for one seed of doubt sown will spring up in other minds, and bear a harvest that you will not care to garner.” 1


1 The Home Missionary, November 1, 1897.