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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
February 7, 2016
February is heart month in North America. So this month, we're taking the opportunity to dedicate a few posts towards increasing awareness concerning the increasing prevalence and risk factors of heart disease!

February is heart disease awareness month in the United States—a month dedicated to teaching the world about the increasing prevalence and risk factors of heart disease! 


JM Sithole
February 7, 2016
South Africa
Over the course of the last two months of 2015, several meetings were held in the South African Field Conference.

On November 20–22, 2015, Brother Peter Lausevic visited the Port Elizabeth Church in the Eastern Cape Province. This meeting was attended by church members from the Eastern and Western Cape provinces. Church members in this area invited friends, family members, former church members, and neighbors to this special event. The result was a total attendance of 39 individuals on Friday evening, and 104 during the Sabbath, including visitors from the community.


Rolly Dumaguit
February 7, 2016
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee.” Isaiah 43:2. Brother Rolly Dumaguit tells the story of a time when God calmed a storm in in his life.

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee.” Isaiah 43:2.


One year, I was invited to conduct an evangelistic program on Masbate Island, one of 7,100 islands belonging to the Philippine Archipelago. Our colporteurs were beginning the work on this island. They were making the initial contacts, and several families were interested.


Lilian Balbach
February 7, 2016
We need volunteers to help us with Evangelism and a Health Education program in Novi Sad, Serbia. Find out what the project is all about.

Come and help us spread the health and three angels’ messages.

Abel Barraza
January 31, 2016
It all happened on a beautiful sunny Sunday in September of 1999—God showed us how He cares for what is His own.

It all happened on a beautiful sunny Sunday in September of 1999. God showed us how He cares for what is His own. A few of us were working on the building project of the first chapel in Panama City, Panama. We worked hard that day as we were striving to complete the walls of the building.

