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News Updates
April 18, 2016
You are cordially invited to attend our first International Youth Convention to be held in Châtel, France, July 2016.

You are cordially invited to attend the first International Youth Convention to be held in Châtel, France, next to the Swiss border. This convention is organized by the French Field Youth Department in partnership with the General Conference. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar, July 25 to July 31, 2016.  The event lasts the entire week, starting on a Monday and ending on the following Sunday.


Mauro Báez
April 18, 2016
On April 16, 2016, Ecuador suffered a massive 7.8 earthquake. As of the latest news received by the General Conference, none of our church members have perished or been seriously injured.

A huge 7.8 earthquake hit Ecuador on Saturday evening, April 16, when most of our church members were at church closing the Sabbath. Miraculously, none of the church structures were affected, but several felt the impact. Members exited the churches shaken but safe. Unfortunately, some members' homes did not endure the quake and many relatives of church members were even more seriously affetcted. 


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
April 17, 2016
Let's learn more about the amazing way our Creator designed our adrenal glands

Although located in the center of the body, right above the kidneys, the adrenal glands orchestrate numerous activities through the stress hormones they release, which in turn affect areas of our body like the brain, heart, respiratory system, liver, and intestines.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
April 14, 2016
Did you know that your adrenal glands have a vital role in your well-being? We don’t always hear about them, but they are very important for our daily physical and mental health. That is why over the next couple of weeks we will be addressing the health of the adrenal glands.


The adrenal glands are grape-sized glands that sit above our kidneys and are essential to life and vitality. They release specific hormones in times of stress that cause us to be aware, awake, and aroused. They also have an important part in the functioning of our metabolism.


Our body has four major stress hormones: Cortisol, DHEA, Adrenaline (Epinephrine) and Norepinephrine.


Cortisol is involved in the function of carbohydrate metabolism as well as in stress regulation.

Gennady Lavrik
April 10, 2016
This spring the brethren in Ukraine began the construction of a new health center in Ukraine.

Siloam Health Center will be the first wellness center in the former Soviet Union—and construction on the building is now underway. The center is located in a picturesque area of the Carpathian Mountains in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, with hot springs in the nearby vicinity. Employees will soon be transferred to the center in order to begin medical missionary work there, as well as to further the gospel message in that region. 


May God bless the construction process, that these facilities may be soon be in operation. 
