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Renueva TV
January 3, 2024
The humanitarian mission "United for You - Jicamarca 2023" took place on December 17. Brethren from the various churches of the Metropolitan Peruvian Field lent their support to over 200 families.

Jicamarca, Peru—On December 17, 2023, the humanitarian mission "United for You - Jicamarca 2023" was successfully carried out at the América International School in Jicamarca, a rural village in the Peruvian mountains. 


Brethren from the various churches of the Metropolitan Peruvian Field lent their support to over 200 families. The services offered included: dietitian, medic and naturopathic, physiotherapy, dental, psychological, hairdressing, facial, family counseling, and welfare assistance.


Eli Tenorio
December 23, 2023
The GC President's annual message for the members of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. This year, Brother Eli Tenorio invites you to revisit the activities held in 2023 and has a personal invitation for each one.


My dear Reform Movement church family,


May the peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with each one of you.


Franck Vitorassi
November 28, 2023
At the end of October, the Children's Sabbath School teachers in Chile met in Linares for a teachers' training seminar.

Linares, Chile—At the end of October, the Chilean Union's Children's Sabbath School teachers met in Linares for a training seminar. The seminar took place from October 26-29, and Sister Sara Devai, (Chairman of the GC's Children Sub-Committee) was the main speaker.  


Franck Vitorassi
November 14, 2023
On October 5, the brethren in Santa Cruz, Chile, participated in a humanitarian mission, serving over 150 individuals.

Santa Cruz, Chile—On the first weekend of November, the brethren in Santa Cruz, a city about two hours from the Chilean capital, Santiago, held a spiritual conference. Then, on Sunday, November 5, our brethren traveled to Santa Cruz, a city about two hours from the capital, to participate in a humanitarian mission.


There, the brethren offered medical, dental, podiatry, massage, and counseling services. Bible studies were also offered, and about forty-individuals signed up. 


SDARM Youth Indonesia
October 31, 2023
Two baptisms took place in Indonesia in October. May God continue blessing our church family in Manado and Jakarta.

Indonesia—On October 2023, Brother Benjamin Thiel, the Pacific Regional Secretary, visited Indonesia. He had the opportunity to officiate the baptism of six souls during his visit.


Sister Anis was baptized on October 15 in Jakarta. Sister Anis is from a conservative Muslim background, and her path to accepting Jesus Christ and His Gospel was a long and difficult one. However, with peace in Jesus, she was baptized with the desire to be a missionary in the Lord's cause. 

