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André Devai
May 1, 2018

San Pablo, 03 de Mayo de 2018


“Vosotros, pues, sois el cuerpo de Cristo, y miembros cada uno en particular.” (I Cor.12:27)


Eli Tenorio
May 1, 2018
Los siguientes puntos serán analizados por el Consejo doctrinal en septiembre. Los puntos (o algunos de ellos) serán presentados en el 2019 en la próxima sesión de la delegación de la conferencia general el próximo año 2019.

Traducción: Gerson L. Peralta


Esta primavera, el comité de doctrina (la foto arriba) se reunió para discutir la agenda de los puntos doctrinales para ser discutidos por el Consejo Doctrinal a finales de éste año. Como siempre los hermanos solicitan la oración de nuestros miembros durante este tiempo, ellos sienten que los miembros deben conocer las razones por las cuales deben orar.


Larissa Tenorio Gessner
April 29, 2018
What are the difficulties you are facing today? Take courage my sister, my brother. Sin can no longer keep us captive. Death is but an inconvenience. “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world,” John 16:33.

The power and glory manifested at Christ’s resurrection offer a glimpse of what we can expect at His second coming. The one angel who came down to roll away the tombstone caused a mighty earthquake. The glory that enshrouded the tomb caused hardened men of war to faint away. The Son of Man came forth from the tomb victorious. So, and with much greater display of His power and glory, will He come again to take His fellow victors home with Him.


Larissa Tenorio Gessner
April 26, 2018
Health Reform is not just a synonym for vegetarianism. In fact, it encompasses all aspects of living a healthy life! Here are some easy things to do to refresh and reset.

Health Reform is not just a synonym for vegetarianism. In fact, it encompasses all aspects of living a healthy life! Here are some easy things to do to refresh and reset.


1. Practice temperance

Temperance applies to all areas of our life. Eating healthy foods is commendable and necessary for a healthy lifestyle, but an excess of even the healthiest foods is detrimental. There are also many foods that are vegetarian or even vegan, but that are unhealthy and best avoided. 

Corneliu Barbu
April 25, 2018
A spring concert of sacred music was held in Avrig, Romania, on April 8, 2018.

Orchestra rehearsals were begun in December of 2015. At the time, the youth were gathered for a youth convention at Camp Porumbacu, where many young people were present. Among them, there were those who could play different instruments but who didn't always have the courage to present musical items in public. An orchestra would be a chance for them to participate in praise without feeling overwhelmed.

