Closing a Chapter — 24th General Conference Magazine

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

As we gather for the 24th General Delegation of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, I extend my greetings to each one of you with joy, humility, and deep gratitude. It is both a privilege and a solemn responsibility to join in this sacred meeting, where we will seek the guiding hand of our Lord as we shape the future of His work. Here, in the welcoming land of Colombia, this session marks a momentous occasion for our church. And so, I wish to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has played a part in making this event a reality. 

First and foremost, my thanks and praise go to the Lord, our God. It is He who has protected and prospered the work of His church, holding us tenderly under His loving care through these past five years. Now, He has granted us this beautiful opportunity to gather, united in spirit, to celebrate this joyful occasion. Each one of us here represents His people from all corners of the world, a testament to His boundless love. “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalm 136:1.) Indeed, God’s goodness and faithfulness to His people never wavers, even for a moment. 

A Special Word of Thanks to our Colombian Brethren 

With heartfelt affection, I extend my deepest gratitude to our brethren here in Colombia, who have so graciously opened their doors and their hearts to host this blessed session. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that this was not just an event, but a labor of love—a reflection of the warmth and commitment to Christ that defines our church family here. Your organization, your hospitality, and your unwavering dedication speak volumes. It is because of your tireless efforts, your late nights of preparation, and your careful attention to every detail that we can gather here today, united in purpose and in heart. 

Hosting an international gathering of this magnitude is no small feat. It requires careful coordination, abundant resources, and, most importantly, an inclination ready to serve. The Colombian Union and its members have embraced this responsibility with open hearts, transforming this session into a beacon of unity and worship. You have made it possible for representatives from all corners of the globe to come together, to lift up our voices in praise, and to engage in the work that advances the mission of our Lord. 

For this, we are deeply indebted to you. We see the sacrifice, the devotion, and the countless acts of kindness that have made this event a reality. And as we lift up our voices in gratitude, we also lift up our prayers, asking that the blessings of heaven be poured abundantly upon you for your faithful service. 

To the Delegates Who are Gathered Here from All Corners of the Globe

I want to offer a special word of appreciation to each delegate who has journeyed from afar to be here for this sacred occasion. Your travels have brought you from distant lands, crossing borders, oceans, and time zones, and yet you stand here today as one body, united in purpose. You represent not just your local churches and regions, but the broader mission of our movement, which carries the light of the gospel across the world. Your presence here is a powerful testimony of your dedication and your unwavering commitment to the cause of Christ.

We are blessed to be part of a church that believes deeply in the power of unity through the Holy Spirit—a unity that transcends cultures, languages, and distances. As I look out over this assembly, I see a reflection of the worldwide family of God—brothers and sisters from every corner of the earth, brought together by the same heartbeat, the same call: to proclaim the everlasting gospel. Your willingness to travel great distances, sometimes at significant personal sacrifice, is evidence that you understand the gravity and importance of the work that lies before us. It speaks of a commitment that is not deterred by challenges but strengthened by them.

As we gather in this session, let us hold close to our hearts that we are not merely representatives of our regions; we are ambassadors of the truth that God has entrusted to His church. Each decision we make, every discussion we engage in, carries the potential to shape the future of the gospel work in our communities and across the globe. 

“The work is soon to close. The members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant.”—Evangelism, p. 707.

So let us approach this session with prayerful hearts, seeking God’s will in all that we do. Let us remind ourselves that God’s work done in will never lack God’s supply. “Just as soon as we realize our inability to do God’s work and submit to be guided by His wisdom, the Lord can work with us. If we empty the soul of self, He will supply all our necessities.” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 213.) Together, as a united family, may His work continue to grow, flourish, and reach the furthest corners of the earth.

The Progress of the Gospel Around the World

It is with profound gratitude to God that I stand before you to share the remarkable progress the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement has witnessed in recent years. Guided by the Holy Spirit and driven by the relentless efforts of missionaries, workers, and faithful members, our church has now established a presence in 141 countries across the globe. This is a milestone, and a testament to the power of God’s providence, and the solid commitment of His people.

The global reach of the Reform Movement stands as a beacon of the enduring truth of the gospel—a light that shines brighter with every new land it touches. We live in a world longing for hope, for truth, for meaning. In every city, town, and village, there are souls searching, hearts waiting to be filled with the light of Christ. And it is through your efforts—as delegates, leaders, and missionaries—that the message of the Three Angels is spreading, reaching those who have yet to hear it. Each of you carries a portion of that light, a torch passed from one hand to another, until it illuminates the darkest corners of the earth.

The journey of spreading the gospel has never been an easy one. In many regions, we face fierce opposition, persecution, and obstacles that appear insurmountable. Yet, the work continues to press forward. Each challenge met, each door that opens, is a testimony not to our own strength, but to the grace and power of God. Like Paul, who faced his own trials and triumphs, we echo his words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13.)

It is Christ who has brought us this far, guiding us through storms and lifting us up in times of need. It is through Him, and Him alone, that we will continue to see this sacred work grow, prosper, and reach the hearts of those still yearning for His truth. The path may be hard, the road uncertain, but with Christ as our guide, we walk forward in faith, knowing that He goes before us, preparing the way.

During this five-year General Conference term, we received the blessing of entering several new countries. When the current outgoing team was elected in Brazil in 2019, all of us set a goal to reach at least five new countries within these five years—one country per year. But then, the pandemic struck. We faced challenges, a global crisis that restricted travel and raised financial fears. It seemed we might not be able to achieve our goal of expanding into five new countries. However, by God’s grace, He opened the doors and provided the means. Despite nearly two years of limited travel, we adapted and grew, especially through online evangelism. God used the General Conference website and media platforms to reach new souls. And when travel resumed in 2022, many eager hearts across several nations, who had already been receiving instruction through emails, online meetings, and Zoom® conferences, were now visited by our missionaries, Regional Secretaries, and other General Conference officers. After further Bible studies, these precious souls embraced the Present Truth and are now part of the Reform Movement family.

For the glory of God, we can now share the joy of having entered 15 new countries during these years—an incredible blessing! This might well be an unprecedented time of expansion for our church. I share this joy with you, dear delegates, so that we may all rejoice together in this wonderful news.

A Call to Renewed Commitment

As we embark on the work of this session, I want to urge all of you to approach this delegation with a renewed sense of commitment to the mission of our church. The road ahead is vast, and the responsibility we carry is immense. Yet, we need not be daunted, for we have the assurance that God walks beside us every step of the way. His promise stands firm: He will never leave us nor forsake us. It is through His strength that we can fulfill the work He has entrusted to us, no matter how great the task may seem.

Our church is built upon a rich heritage of faithfulness and sacrifice. Picture those who came before us, laying the foundation stone by stone, their hands calloused, their hearts steadfast, driven by a love for Christ that could not be dimmed. We stand today on the principles laid down by Christ Himself, passed to us by those faithful men and women who gave everything—even their lives—for the cause of Christ. Let us honor their legacy not just with words, but by pressing forward with the same zeal and determination they once carried. Their journey was not without struggle, but they persevered, and now it is our turn to continue the work they began.

And remember, we do not walk this path alone. We are part of a global movement, a worldwide family of believers united under one mission: to prepare a people for Christ’s soon return. The work ahead may be challenging, but we draw strength from knowing that we are part of something far greater than ourselves. We are not just individuals; we are a collective body bound by faith, moving forward with one purpose. Together, with God’s guidance, we can accomplish the mission He has placed before us.

“As I see what God has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”—Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, p. 204. [Emphasis added.] 

Let this reminder reinforce our confidence in His continued guidance. We have been led this far by His hand, and it is His hand that will lead us onward, through every trial, toward every victory.

Closing Words of Gratitude

As we draw this session to a close, I want to take a moment to once more express my deepest gratitude to our brethren here in Colombia for their warm hospitality and tireless efforts in hosting this gathering. To all the delegates who have traveled from near and far to represent your regions, my heartfelt thanks go out to you. Your unwavering dedication to the work of the gospel is a source of true inspiration, and I am confident that God’s blessings will continue to be poured out upon your efforts.

May this session be more than just a meeting; let it be a time of spiritual renewal, growth, and a confirmation to the unity that binds us as a global family of believers. As we have gathered here, may we feel the touch of the Holy Spirit guiding our hearts, shaping our decisions, and drawing us closer to His purpose. Let this be a place where new holy ideas spark, where hearts are rekindled, and where the commitment to Christ’s mission is renewed with fervor.

When the time comes to part ways, let us not simply return to our regions as we were before. Let us carry with us a renewed sense of purpose, a light that burns a little brighter, ready to shine in our communities. 

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5, 6.) 

Trusting in this eternal promise, we can be assured that His direction will guide us forward, even when the road ahead seems uncertain.

As you step back into your countries, may God bless each one of you abundantly. May His work, begun here in unity, continue to flourish and prosper, reaching into every corner of the earth. Wherever we go, may His light shine through us, a beacon of hope and love for all to see. As we go forth, let us carry this shared light, knowing that the work we do is a reflection of His enduring promise—a promise that shines, even in the darkest night.

Your brother in the blessed hope,

Eli Tenorio da Silva