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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Justification by Faith

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Five hundred years ago, a monk named Martin Luther issued The Ninety-five Theses, and in doing so, heralded in the great protestant awakening and began a movement of reformation in the churches of his time. He challenged many long-held beliefs and practices and brought Christ, the Saviour, to the forefront of Christendom. Luther set in motion a movement which has led many to the study of the Scriptures. Many Christians today have various opinions and discussions on Christ and His life on earth. While many are discussing what the righteousness of Christ is, God is looking today for a people who will show the world His righteousness by the way they live their lives each day.

“It is not enough to argue in defense of the truth. The most telling evidence of its worth is seen in a godly life; and without this the most conclusive statements will be lacking in weight and prevailing power; for our strength lies in being connected with God by His Holy Spirit.”—The Review and Herald, March 20, 1888.

“Abundant provision has been made that all who desire to live a godly life may have grace and strength through Jesus our divine Redeemer. . . . The servants of God are to draw peace and strength from the Source of their strength, and in so doing they will find life full of happiness and peace. . . . The whole being must be consecrated to God, for our precious Saviour never shares a divided heart. Our inclinations and desires must be under the control of the Spirit of God, and then we shall be strengthened to fight the good fight of faith.”—That I May Know Him, p. 92.

“[Christ] said by the mouth of the beloved disciple, ‘Behold, I come quickly,’ and John responds, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus.’ Jesus spoke these words as words of warning and encouragement to His people; and why should we not heed them? The Lord has said that it is the faithful who will be found watching and waiting for Him.”—Reflecting Christ, p. 258.

It is our earnest prayer to God that, as we study the lessons of this quarterly, we will follow the guidance of His Spirit and make the righteousness of Christ our own. As we surrender our lives fully to God’s leading, God will use us as His instruments to share the great message of Christ our living Saviour to those around us and thus hasten the coming of the Lord. May we all be led to a deeper experience, may we turn to the Lord wholeheartedly, confess our shortcomings, obtain the assurance of sins forgiven, and allow Him to cleanse us, so that His righteousness may become ours.

The General Conference Sabbath School Department

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