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Today’s Manna

Daily Reading for Monday, March 11, 2024
Scripture: Proverbs 14:30
"A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones."

"Envy is one of the most despicable traits of satanic character. It is constantly seeking the lifting up of self, by casting slurs upon others. A man who is envious will belittle his neighbor, thinking to exalt himself. The sound of praise is grateful to him who has approbativeness highly developed, and he hates to hear the praises of another. Oh, what untold mischief has this evil trait of character worked in our world! . . . Envy is the offspring of pride, and, if it is entertained in the heart, it will lead to cruel deeds, to hatred, revenge, and murder." 1

"Christ must be brought into your life. He alone can cure you of envy, of evil surmising against your brethren; He alone can take away from you the self-sufficient spirit that some of you cherish to your own spiritual detriment. Jesus alone can make you feel your weakness, your ignorance, your corrupt nature. He alone can make you pure, refine you, fit you for the mansions of the blessed." 2


1 The Signs of the Times , August 17, 1888.

2 Testimonies , vol