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Today’s Manna

Daily Reading for Friday, October 18, 2024
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:13
"Be not weary in well doing."

"Holiness leads its possessor to be fruitful, abounding in every good work. He who has the mind that was in Christ never becomes weary in well-doing. Instead of expecting promotion in this life, he looks forward to the time when the Majesty of heaven shall exalt the sanctified ones to His throne."1

"Wake up, brethren and sisters. Do not be afraid of good works. 'Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.' Do not wait to be told your duty. Open your eyes and see who are around you; make yourselves acquainted with the helpless, afflicted, and needy. Hide not yourselves from them, and seek not to shut out their needs. Who gives the proofs mentioned in James, of possessing pure religion, untainted with selfishness or corruption? Who are anxious to do all in their power to aid in the great plan of salvation?"2


1 The Signs of the Times, September 3, 1902.

2 The Adventist Home, pp. 451, 452.