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Online Bible Studies Project — Temple Hills, USA

Alex Gurduiala
November 8, 2015
United States
The "Strength in Scripture" short studies walk you through the Bible and provide a greater understanding of God’s truth as revealed in major biblical themes.

Recently, the youth at the SDARM church in Temple Hills, Maryland—USA, have begun an online project. The project's main objective is to lead others, especially other young people, toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


The "Strength in Scripture" short studies are composed of brief videos on relevant biblical topics. The videos are designed to walk the viewer through the Bible and give the individual a greater understanding of how to know God through Scripture.


The description on the Strength in Scripture Youtube channel states:

"Understanding and applying the Word of God in our daily life is what Strength In Scripture is all about. We love the Bible, and we know that the more we understand God’s word the more equipped we are to live a life that honors God as God desired for us, thus living a more fulfilled life."


So far, the project is off to a great start with topics such as "The Amazing Book" and "The Origin of Evil." 


You can support the project by visiting this channel, watching the videos, and sharing them with others by clicking here.